Oracle Education Foundation ThinkQuest Program Challenges Students Globally to Think, Create, and Innovate

The Oracle Education Foundation ThinkQuest program ThinkQuest International Competition offers an opportunity for career technical education (CTE) students to solve real-world problems by applying their critical thinking, communication, and technology skills in three competitive areas:

  • ThinkQuest Projects
  • Digital Media
  • Application Development

There is no cost to participate in the competition, and because all teams that submit a completed entry are eligible to receive a Certificate of Participation from the Oracle Education Foundation, the Certificate can be used as proof of student achievement of a certain skill. 

The event is open to students at the secondary school, college, or university levels. College and university students are eligible to participate in the Digital Media and Application Development events only. Judges will evaluate entries for critical thinking, communication, and technology skills, integral to CTE student development. For more information, contact Denise Hobbs, Oracle Senior Marketing Manager,  at 505-255-2219.


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