Report: NASDCTEc, ACTE and P21 Address 21st Century and Technical Skills Demands

The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) and P21 released a report that highlights the demand for skills in the global economy and explains how CTE and 21st century skills-focused programs can answer the need.

The report, Up to the Challenge, outlines how fusing the four Cs (critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, communication and creativity and innovation) into curriculum and the implementation of CTE can prepare students to be college- and career-ready. The paper highlights the importance of rigorous academics, 21st century skills and CTE strategies in bridging the gap between academic, employability and technical skills.

The report notes that competencies in the full range of 21st century skills enable students to build and reinforce knowledge. In CTE programs, students “learn by doing” with practical collaborative applications, such as hands-on activities, project- and problem-based learning, laboratory and field work, and simulations and internships. Incorporated throughout education, these hallmarks of CTE would give all students robust and sustained opportunities to practice 21st century skills, according to the report.


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