Recording Now Available for NASDCTEc Webinar on the Research Behind Branding Best Practices

You may now view the recording and Power Point for NASDCTE’s webinar on the “Research Behind Branding Best Practices.”

When the CTE: Learning that works for America® brand was created, state Career Technical Education (CTE) offices were given the opportunity to be part of a national movement to change the image, definition and expectations for CTE. Through a series of interviews with the states participating in the branding campaign, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) has discovered that eight best practices in branding can elevate a state’s branding campaign and increase their chances of successfully communicating the brand message.

Dr. Melinda Lloyd discussed the research that was conducted and the key findings of that research. Two of the branding best practices – co-branding and engaging local educators – were highlighted during this Webinar. State staff from Arkansas, Oregon and Wisconsin shared examples of their branding efforts. The Webinar concluded with a brief introduction to a new set of resources on that will serve as examples for states that are just getting started with their branding efforts or states that are hoping to take their branding efforts to a new level.

Presenters included:

Melinda Lloyd, Ed.D, Communications Consultant for NASDCTEc
Sandra Porter, Associate Director for Workforce Training, Arkansas Department of Career Education
Donna Brant, Education Specialist, Oregon Department of Career and Technical Education
Jennell Ives, Education Specialist, Oregon Department of Career and Technical Education
Larry Cheyne, Education Specialist, Oregon Department of Community College and Workforce Development
Sharon Wendt, Director, Wisconsin Career and Technical Education
Sara Baird, Career Pathways Consultant, Wisconsin Career and Technical Education

Recording Link

Power Point Presentation PDF version

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

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