Posts Tagged ‘Issue brief’

New NASDCTEc Brief: Promoting Work-Based Learning: Efforts in Connecticut and Kentucky

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

NASDCTEc has partnered with the Alliance for Excellent Education to co-author Promoting Work-Based Learning: Efforts in Connecticut and Kentucky, which details what work-based learning looks like at different learner levels, and the benefits that students gain from their participation in work-based learning opportunities. The brief also highlights the potential obstacles facing states that can limit both the access to and quality of work-based learning opportunities, and looks at efforts from two states to define work-based learning opportunities for students, educators, and employers, and to create policies that provide greater access to these opportunities.

Nancy Conneely, Director of Public Policy

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Innovative Uses of Perkins Reserve Fund

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Perkins IV gives recipients the opportunity to create a reserve fund to be used for new and innovative programs. The reserve fund represents an opportunity for states to exercise their leadership in directing funds to the program areas in their state with significant need, or areas that can introduce real innovation in CTE.

NASDCTEc has authored Innovative Uses of Perkins Reserve Fund, an issue brief that provides a history of the Perkins reserve fund, explains how it may be used, and highlights examples from several states – Tennessee, Maine, Maryland, South Dakota, and Kansas – that show the different ways in which the reserve fund can be tailored to meet state and local needs.

You can access a copy of the brief here.

By admin in Advance CTE Resources, Publications
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Report: Big investment, little data on professional development

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

The nation spends about $9 billion annually on teacher professional development, however most programs do not provide nor do states ask for data demonstrating that such investments actually improve student learning, according to a recent National Governors Association Center for Best Practices issue brief.

At a time when educators and administrators are facing enormous pressures to boost student achievement, it is critical that training resources provided by state leaders are in fact effective in improving student achievement. Recent opportunities through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to fund professional development programs have lent some help to states, according to the issue brief. However, making the right investments that can provide the most impact on student achievement appears to be a challenge.

“Deficits exist with regard to the content and delivery of professional development, and continuing large investments in this system may not be justified unless improvements are made based on the limited research that is available,” according to State Policies to Improve Teacher Professional Development.

The brief notes that most professional development does not collect or offer data that could provide information on the impact programs have on student achievement. Thus, it outlines approaches states can take to improve the quality of teacher professional development by setting standards, implementing accountability strategies and identifying quality programs that encourage the implementation of effective professional development. Generally, the report outlines four core approaches to improving professional development systems:

o Gather and use student achievement data to assess the effectiveness of professional development;
o Use teacher evaluations and student learning data to create individualized professional development plans for teachers;
o Establish research-based state standards to create a vision for high-quality professional development; and
o Create an incentive-driven professional development initiative for teachers to acquire advanced skills.

Some states have made traction in regards to evaluating and monitoring professional development programs, according to the brief. For instance, Iowa requires the school districts to include in their professional development plans an evaluation piece that examines the impact programs have on student learning. In New Jersey, state standards mention the use of research-based professional development with a demonstrated ability to improve student learning.

In order for other states to follow such leads, the NGA Center notes that governors, state education leaders, higher education institutions, teachers associations and professional development providers must collaborate to make systemic changes. Perhaps, the nation’s current fiscal crisis may be the needed impetus to encourage a focus on wise investments in professional development, according to the brief.

By admin in Publications, Research
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Teacher Shortage Undermines CTE

Monday, August 10th, 2009

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projected that the fastest growing careers in 2008 would be in CTE fields such as healthcare and trade and industrial occupations.  However, in order to cultivate a workforce to fill these jobs, students will require training from quality secondary and postsecondary CTE teachers – resources that are lacking across the nation due to a teacher shortage.  This crisis for CTE has been caused by student demand requiring more teachers, teachers leaving the profession and the limited opportunities to cultivate new educators as teacher programs are eliminated.

NASDCTEc has authored Teacher Shortage Undermines CTE, a brief that explores the reasons behind the shortage of teachers in CTE programs, and what can be done to curb the declining numbers and recruit more individuals into CTE classrooms. It also highlights examples from three states – Oregon, Alabama and California – that serve as models for increasing the number of CTE teachers in their state.

You can access a copy of the brief on our website at: under “Teacher Preparation”.

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Counselors as CTE Stakeholders

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Choosing a career is probably one of the biggest decisions a person makes.  How does a student, of any age, make a sound decision?  What are the knowledge and skills needed to achieve postsecondary and career success?  How does one navigate through the sea of career information?  The answer: A comprehensive guidance program coupled with a rigorous CTE program.

NASDCTEc has collaborated with the American School Counselor Association to author Counselors as CTE Stakeholders, a brief that highlights the integral role that school counselors, in conjunction with a CTE program, play in successfully guiding students through the maze of secondary and postsecondary options so that they are successful in their chosen career.  The brief looks at ways that CTE and school counseling can benefit one another to accomplish their shared goal of student success.  It also showcases three states – Nebraska, Missouri and Utah – that are examples of effective collaboration between CTE and Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling.

You can access a copy of the brief on our website at:

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