Institute Report Out: Green-Focused Program of Study Series Shares Successes and Challenges to Developing a Model Program of Study

The 8th Annual Career Clusters Institute showcased a special series this past week: the Green-Focused Program of Study Technical Assistance Academy. One year ago, fives states were awarded technical assistance to develop a model program of study with a “green” focus. Team representatives from Illinois, New Jersey, Georgia, Oregon and Ohio convened in Denver to share their story with Institute attendees.

Each state had an opportunity to report out individually, as well as participate in two panels: one that focused specifically on the postsecondary and industry perspective and another that particularly addressed the barriers and challenges to developing a program of study.

Although these five states differ in their education systems and in their “green” focus (architecture and construction versus energy, for example), they share similar struggles. Next week we will share a more in-depth look at challenges raised by the teams at the Institute, including the following:

  • Understanding what a program of study is, beyond what it should be. What does it actually look like?
  • Identifying true labor demands. A program of study must be relevant to local industry. How do we determine what is most needed, good wage and enduring?
  • Collaborating between secondary and postsecondary. A program of study is impossible without high schools and higher education participating equally. How do we build the necessary bridge to get both institutions to work together as a unified team?

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