Huffington Post Highlights Career Readiness Definition

The Career Readiness Partner Council (CRPC), a coalition of education, business, philanthropic, and policy groups including NASDCTEc, released last week a vision statement on what it means to be career ready. The definition broadens the college and career readiness conversation by emphasizing the essential link between education, employment, and lifelong learning.

This week, Gallup research director Tim Hodges penned a blog on Huffington Post about how the CRPC’s vision provides clear guidance for policymakers, educators, students, and others to move toward career readiness.

Hodges wrote that, “This new definition challenges the historical belief that career readiness is a one-way street that starts in K-12 and runs through college, ending as one enters a career. The CRPC recognizes that career readiness is a lifelong process that connects education and employment to achieve a fulfilling, financially secure and successful career.”

Learn more about the CRPC and career readiness at

Kara Herbertson, Research and Policy Manager



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