This Week in CTE

January 30th, 2015

TWEET OF THE WEEK blog-thumbnail-thiswek
@CCRSCenter Join us Feb. 12 for our #CTEMonth #CCRSchat with @CTEWorks, we’ll be asking them questions about #CTE and #careerreadiness.

How Tech Ed Has Transformed with the Times
In Vermont, 16 regional career and technical education centers provide stellar CTE to students, with a focus on employer partnerships in terms of internships and apprenticeships, as well as aligning courses with industry-recognized credentials. “I have half academic classes, so half high school classes, then I have three hours a day here. It’s really nice to have that split up, so you have the best of both worlds. I have my math classes at school and I have all the creative learning here with the designing,” said Jake Maurer, Essex High School junior.

Connecting the Classroom to Promising Health Careers
This PBS special dives into Oakland’s Life Academy highly successful academic and work-based learning approach, making it clear to students what opportunities awaits them in the healthcare field.

Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium (RACC)
The RACC is a network of colleges and apprenticeship programs, created by the US Department of Labor, dedicated to ensuring students are provided with opportunities to move from college to career.

CTE Month kicks off February! Keep an eye out for Twitter chats, articles, videos, onsite events and more. If you’re doing anything for CTE Month, let us know by emailing [email protected].

Katie Fitzgerald, Communications Associate

This Week in CTE

January 16th, 2015

TWEET OF THE WEEKblog-thumbnail-thiswek
@PearsonNorthAm “The gender gap in tech is nothing short of a crisis.” Empowering Girls for Computer Science Majors and Careers:

District study: Students in career and technical education programs do well
The School District of Philadelphia Office of Research and Evaluation found that students who take CTE courses are more likely to graduate than their peers who do not.

Lesson Planning Checklist
Teachers can use this employability skills checklist to determine how they are addressing employability skills in their lessons, as well as identify further opportunities to include them in their teaching.

Strategies for Financing CTE
Yesterday, in partnership with the National Conference of State Legislatures, we hosted a webinar on strategies for financing CTE, including state examples. You can find a recording and a copy of the PowerPoint on our website.

Dr. Charisse Childers was announced as the new Director of the Arkansas Department of Career Education. Learn  more about Dr. Childer’s background.

Katie Fitzgerald, Communications Associate 

2015 Spring Meeting Registration Open

January 15th, 2015

Join us April 8 – 10, 2015 in Washington, DC 2014-11-Life-of-Pix-free-stock-photos-washington-dc-back-Marko-Berndtfor NASDCTEc’s annual Spring Meeting. This meeting is designed to bring together secondary and postsecondary leaders in Career Technical Education (CTE), as well as national partners and CTE stakeholders to share and learn from one another. Meeting themes include cross-systems collaboration, innovative state solutions and a state and federal policy outlook. We hope you can join us! Get more information on the Spring Meeting’s agenda and logistics on the event homepage.

Be sure to register by February 2 to take advantage of our early bird registration. Members and non-members should register today to secure these special rates.

We look forward to seeing you in April!

Member registration
Non-member registration

Katie Fitzgerald, Communications Associate 

Excellence in Action Award Submissions Open

November 13th, 2014

Excellence in Action award banner

We want to learn more about and recognize high-quality and high-impact programs of study happening in every corner of the country. We encourage you to apply for the 2015 Excellence in Action award, or pass along this information to any stellar programs of study you know.

By lifting up model programs, NASDCTEc will shine a light on exemplary programs of study and provide examples to be used in our advocacy and communications efforts over the year. Each winning program of study will be featured in our communications, marketing and advocacy materials, and used during Congressional visits, with members of the media and other CTE stakeholders to support a more positive image of CTE. Learn more about last year’s winners here.

Winners will receive:

  • A banner to hang in their school or institution of higher education.
  • A digital banner (i.e., a customized logo) to use in email and print materials as they so choose.
  • Travel to and one-night accommodations in Washington, D.C. for the award winner to be recognized at an awards ceremony on April 8, 2015.

Winners will be featured:

  • At an awards ceremony on April 8, 2015 in Washington, D.C.
  • In a national press release that will be distributed to national media.
  • NASDCTEc will also create individualized press releases for each winner, which will be distributed to State CTE Directors.
  • In a one-pager, used as part of NASDCTEc’s federal advocacy toolkit.
  • In a monthly newsletter sent to members of Congress.
  • On webinars and/or conferences during the year.
  • In a stand-alone blog on NADSCTEc’s Learning that Works blog.
  • On the NASDCTEc website.

Apply today!

Katie Fitzgerald, Communications Associate

Reminder: Webinar next Tuesday on Open Badging!

October 3rd, 2014

Next Tuesday October 7 @ 1 pm ET, NASDCTEc and NOCTI will be hosting a webinar on  Badging 101: The What, The Why & The How. This webinar will explore what badges are, why they are emerging as a major innovation in education (both in and outside the classroom) and how they are being implemented in a variety of settings, including through a recent multi-site pilot. There will be a wealth of knowledge shared so this webinar is not to be missed!

Speakers include:

  • Jade Forester, Marketing & Community Manager, Badge Alliance
  • John Foster, CEO, NOCTI and NBS
  • Marie Perotti, Project Coordinator CTE TEACH, Colton, Redlands, Yucaipa Regional Occupational Program
  • Russ Weikle, State CTE Director, California Department of Education

Register here today!

One Week Left: Register Today for NASDCTEc’s Fall Meeting

October 1st, 2014

With registration closing on ONE WEEK, time is running out to register for NASDCTEc’s annual Fall Meeting.

The theme of this year’s meeting is Preparing for the Future, which refers to preparing for Perkins reauthorization but also to positioning your state or organization to best meet the evolving needs of students, employers and the entire CTE community.

You can download the draft agendahere, but there are a few features we wanted to point out:

  • Brandon Busteed, Executive Director of Gallup Education, will be kicking off Tuesday morning with a presentation on education, the economy and its intersection in the minds of the students, parents and the public. He’s a dynamic and not-to-be-missed speaker!
  •  An entire morning is being dedicated to discussing the challenges and opportunities around employer engagement in CTE, including the release of new 50-state data, a panel featuring policy and business leaders, and collaboration roundtables to dig in and identify creative, collaborative solutions.
  • All told, the agenda features presenters and resource experts from over 20 states and national organizations, as well as four leaders from the U.S. Department of Education, leveraging expertise from every corner of the country.

We hope you can join us! Register and find more information here!

Upcoming Webinar: Badging 101

August 25th, 2014

badge1Sometimes called “the next disrupter” in education, open badges offer an innovative platform for recognizing and displaying a students’ competency demonstrated either inside or outside the traditional classroom. Yet questions remain about how badges work at the institution and state level, how they can be folded into existing education systems, and what it takes to ensure their quality, reliability and validity.

On Tuesday October 7 @ 1 pm ET, join NASDCTEc and NOCTI for Badging 101: The What, The Why & The How, which will dig into some of these tough questions and explore open badges from national, state and local perspectives.

Speakers include:

  • Jade Forester, Marketing & Community Manager, Badge Alliance
  • John Foster, CEO, NOCTI and NBS
  • Marie Perotti, Project Coordinator CTE TEACH, Colton, Redlands, Yucaipa Regional Occupational Program
  • Russ Weikle, State CTE Director, California Department of Education

Register here today!

Kate Blosveren, Associate Executive Director

Mark Your Calendars: Webinar on Career Readiness Indicators

May 12th, 2014

May 27 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm | Career Readiness Indicators in Accountability and Public Reporting Systems

To provide guidance to states interested in building more indicators of career preparation into accountability and public reporting systems, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) and Achieve be hosting a webinar on May 27 from 2:00-3:00 ET to release findings from a new joint publication.

The report and accompanying webinar will offer a view of how states are currently approaching this challenge and what state policy leaders need to consider as they look to reform their own reporting and accountability systems to ensure that the “career” in college- and career-ready accountability and public reporting is a powerful lever to focus priorities, drive progress, and ultimately see more students – and their communities – succeed.

To join the webinar, please dial:  1 (800) 697-5978 and enter: 6460 369#

To access the webinar slides, please CLICK HERE

NASDCTEc Welcomes Andrea Zimmermann and Evan Williamson

April 29th, 2014

NASDCTEc is glad to welcome its two newest staff members, State Policy Associate Andrea Zimmermann and Communications Associate Evan Williamson!

AndreaAndrea Zimmermann

Andrea’s path to Washington, DC, started in Illinois, wound through Eastern Europe and eventually ended here in the nation’s capital.

Hailing from southern Illinois, she pursued both her undergraduate and master’s degree in the Land of Lincoln and finished her graduate program at the University of Illinois-Springfield in 2008 with a specialty in political journalism that primarily focused on state government.  After graduation, she worked as a journalist in Illinois covering local, state and national news.

Drawn to fulfill a lifelong dream to serve internationally, Andrea joined the Peace Corps shortly thereafter. For nearly three years, Andrea lived and worked in Ukraine, where she taught English, conducted teacher training and worked on local issues such as youth leadership and HIV/AIDS.

She discovered her passion for education while in Ukraine. Upon returning to the United States, she moved to Washington, DC, and worked for the U.S. Department of Education prior to joining NASDCTEc. Her own family’s close ties to Career Technical Education makes this position a perfect fit. Andrea will focus on state-level policies and trends in CTE.

Andrea says she loves living in Washington, though never misses a chance to return home to Illinois to see family and friends.


Evan Williamson

Evan2 (214x300)Evan joins NASDCTEc after two years working in communications on Capitol Hill. Evan’s prior experience includes stints working in environmental policy and communications, political and campaign volunteerism during the last four election cycles and work in the offices of U.S. Representatives Luis Gutierrez (IL-04) and Peter Visclosky (IN-01).

Evan is a native of Champaign, Illinois. He graduated Cum Laude from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a B.A. in Political Science, minoring in Sustainability Studies. In the course of his undergraduate study, he uncovered his passion for political communications as an exchange student in Manchester, England, while studying the United Kingdom’s 2010 general election. Returning to the states, Evan outlined a path into the world of issue-oriented communications and advocacy that has culminated in his arrival at NASDCTEc.

With deep personal and professional connections to education, Evan is committed to raising the profile of CTE as a means to improve student outcomes, reduce youth and adult unemployment and promote American economic competitiveness. As communications associate, Evan will conduct media outreach on behalf of NASDCTEc, spearhead communications initiatives, publicize Association and Foundation events and manage the organization’s online presence.

Evan is soccer devotee, his playing career beginning as a kindergarten all-star in 1993 and continuing to the present. Expanding his profile, he has also coached for three consecutive seasons with the Arlington Aces soccer club. An avid sports fan as well as participant, he boasts having attended at least one Illinois basketball game every year since 1996 and, to less satisfying results, attending at least one game in each of the last 15 seasons of his beloved Chicago Cubs. He also attempts (with limited success) cooking, bass guitar, the New York Times Sunday Crossword and long-distance running in his spare time.

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

Position Announcement: Administrator, Professional-Technical Education – Idaho

April 15th, 2014

The Idaho Division of Professional-Technical Education has a position opening for Administrator, Professional-Technical Education.

Please click link below to access position announcement:

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager


