CTE Month: National CTE Leaders Celebrate CTE Month

February 4th, 2013

The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc), and Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) and career and technical education (CTE) professionals across the country will celebrate CTE Month™ in February, raising the public’s awareness of the value of CTE programs for students, schools, communities, business and industry and the economic well-being of our nation. CTE encompasses 94 percent of high school students and 13 million postsecondary students in the United States.

During the month of February, CTE programs and CTSOs across the country host a variety of events showcasing their programs and students’ successes to their community, policymakers and business leaders. This year’s theme is “Career and Technical Education Works!” to emphasize that CTE works for students, business and industry and the economy. CTE programs can be found at the secondary and postsecondary levels and prepares students to be college-and career-ready by providing core academic skills, employability skills and technical, job-specific skills. High school students involved in CTE are more engaged, perform better and graduate at higher rates. The average high school graduation rate for students concentrating in CTE programs is 90.18 percent, compared to an average national freshman graduation rate of 74.9 percent.

As the American economy recovers, the role of CTE is critically important. The skilled trades are the hardest jobs to fill in the United States, with recent data citing 550,000 jobs open in the trade, transportation and utilities sector and 246,000 jobs open in manufacturing. Additionally, middle-skill jobs, or jobs that require education and training beyond high school but less than a bachelor degree, are a significant part of the economy. Of the 46.8 million job openings created by 2013, 30 percent will require some college or a two-year associate degree.

As part of the CTE Month activities, ACTE is hosting a Social Media Advocacy Week, February 11-15. CTE professionals and students from across the country will bring their stories and voices to social media platforms to illustrate the positive impacts of CTE programs.

ACTE provides free promotional resources for CTE professionals wishing to participate in CTE Month, including student-made PSA videos, promotional posters that can be downloaded, a calendar of nationwide activities during the month and more. For more information on CTE Month and the activities ACTE, NASDCTEc and the CTSOs are hosting, please visit www.ctemonth.com.

For more information about CTSO’s, NASDCTEc and ACTE, please visit:

Business Professionals of America: http://www.bpa.org
DECA Inc.: http://www.deca.org
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America: http://www.fcclainc.org
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda: http://www.fbla-pbl.org
Future Educators Association: http://www.futureeducators.org/
Health Occupations Students of America: http://www.hosa.org
The National FFA: www.ffa.org
SkillsUSA: www.SkillsUSA.org
Technology Student Association: www.tsaweb.org
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium: http://www.careertech.org
Association for Career and Technical Education: www.acteonline.org

Announcing the 2013 NASDCTEc Spring Meeting

January 31st, 2013

NASDCTEc is pleased to invite you to participate in our annual Spring Meeting, a must-attend professional development experience in the nation’s capital!

The Spring Meeting will be held from 9 a.m. on Monday, April 15 through 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17. In keeping with our collaboration with the Office of Vocational and Adult Education of the U.S. Department of Education (OVAE), we are coordinating on program content and are excited that OVAE will be hosting the meeting at the U.S. Department of Education on April 17 to continue critical presentations and discussions. All meeting functions will take place at the Omni Shoreham on April 15 and 16.

Hotel rooms should be reserved at the Omni Shoreham Hotel for all meeting days. On April 17, NASDCTEc will provide breakfast at the Omni, then attendees will be responsible for their own transportation to the U.S. Department of Education. More details will be provided to confirmed meeting attendees.

We have crafted a program that will bring together leading policymakers, Congressional representatives, and researchers to share with you, hear from you and for all of us to learn together. There will be a blend of plenary sessions and breakouts sessions and opportunities for informal learning and networking.

We have invited speakers to address the following topics. As speakers are confirmed, we’ll be regularly updating the agenda online.

  • The Future of Federal Funding (sequestration, appropriations and budget)
  • Is Congress talking about CTE? A panel of Congressional Staff will discuss Congressional proposals impacting CTE
  • Will Perkins’ reauthorization happen this year? A panel Congressional staff and association leaders will forecast and discuss issues related to Perkins reauthorization
  • Career Pathways: Updates on the numerous federal projects have emerged supporting career pathways development in states
  • Measuring Success: Learning about the emerging Workforce Data Quality Campaign and efforts to align education and workforce data systems
  • National College and Career Readiness Center and Great Teachers and Leaders Center Update
  • Innovations in CTE curriculum
  • Leading the Way: State Policies Promoting CTE
  • Reauthorization Perspectives: Views of Leading Policy Organizations
  • Career Readiness
  • Updates on the CCTC Gap Analysis, the SCED and Crosswalks Projects
  • Updates on FAUPL negotiations
  • The National Center on Innovation in CTE

For more information about registration, hotel reservations and more CLICK HERE.
We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC!

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

Announcing the 2013 National Career Clustersâ„¢ Institute Call for Presentations

November 14th, 2012

The National Career Technical Education Foundation (NCTEF) is currently accepting presentations for the 2013 National Career Clustersâ„¢ Institute. We are looking for Institute sessions that promote the use of Career Clustersâ„¢ to drive collaboration and innovation in state and local education and workforce systems. The 2013 Institute theme is Career Clustersâ„¢: Achieving Excellence

Presenter candidates, our participants are looking for:
• Specific how-to, replicable advice that goes beyond awareness of Career Clusters™ to specific implementation strategies;
• Interactive sessions which engage the attendee and provide collaborative discussion and/or hands-on activities; and
• Sharing of best practices and awesome take-aways!

How to Submit:

Simply go online to access and complete a submission form. All presentations must be received by December 13, 2012 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. NCTEF looks forward to reading your submissions. Notification e-mails will be sent December 18, 2012. The National Career Clustersâ„¢ Institute will be in Fort Worth, TX at the Omni Fort Worth June 10-12, 2013. Aimed toward providing a venue for sharing of effective practices, ideas, and research, the Institute is designed to increase student success and ensure our nation’s economic growth and security.

General registration is slated to go live mid-January 2013.

Learn more about Career Clustersâ„¢
Printable Call for Presentations announcement

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

Pilot Project on Improving Data Exchange Between Industry Certification Organizations and State Education and Workforce Longitudinal Data Systems

October 31st, 2012

NASDCTEc is serving on the advisory committee, led by ACTE and collaboration of national and state partners, to support a project that expands and improves data exchange between industry certification organizations and state longitudinal data systems.

 The project is based on a multi-year roadmap for the development of a national data exchange clearinghouse that will allow states and educational institutions to gain access to data on industry-recognized certifications earned by students.

The clearinghouse could serve as an excellent resource to inform the decisions associated with programming, teaching and learning within CTE and provide a crucial missing link in the pursuit of quality data reflecting student performance of CTE programs.

Over the next year, in addition to a focus on raising awareness of the need for improving data exchange a pilot project will be conducted between states and industry partners on how data can be effectively and securely exchanged and used for the benefit of all parties. Current industry partners include CompTIA and The Manufacturing Institute (an affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, or NAM).

The Department of Education is also interested in the development and outcome of this project. Industry certifications and licensure are a growing part of the expected outcomes of career and technical education (CTE) programs, and the Department is interested in the identification of solutions to the issues surrounding state collection of valid and reliable data.

This pilot project is based on a recent Illinois and CompTIA project that demonstrated the feasibility of linking state and certification data, and states are currently being recruited to participate.

To find out more about the project or to submit a state application to participate in the pilot project please go to the web page to view the documents and information or contact Alisha Hyslop at ACTE.


Dean Folkers, Deputy Executive Director


NASDCTEc releases Request for Proposal

October 26th, 2012

The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify a contractor to conduct an alignment study to compare the Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) against state Career Technical Education (CTE) standards.

The CCTC, released in June 2012, includes a set of standards for each of the 16 Career ClustersTM and supporting career pathways, a comprehensive collection of industry-validated expectations of what students should know and be able to do after completing instruction in a program of study. The CCTC also includes an overarching set of Career Ready Practices that apply to all 16 Career Clustersâ„¢. The Career Ready Practices include 12 statements that address the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are important to becoming career ready.

To help states facilitate the adoption and implementation of the CCTC, the NASDCTEc Board of Directors has called for a comparable, uniform evaluation of current state and territory standards against the CCTC. The purpose of the alignment study is two-fold. First, to provide feedback to individual states and territories about alignment to inform the development of an adoption plan and an implementation plan. Second, to provide a broad understanding of the needs of states and territories in adopting and implementing the CCTC so that NASDCTEc can develop targeted technical assistance and resources. NASDCTEc also anticipates that the results of this study could contribute to the development of assessments in the future.

NASDCTEc plans to publicly release the results of the full gap analysis in October 2013 during the fall membership meeting. NASDCTEc plans to share each individual state or territory report with the respective CTE State Director by August 31, 2013, prior to the public release.

The RFP and Budget Template can be found online at: http://www.careertech.org/career-technical-education/cctc/cctcrfp.html.


Dean Folkers, Deputy Executive Director

Meet Mike Raponi, NASDCTEc Region IX Representative

October 25th, 2012

In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc presents a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members;” today we are featuring Mike Raponi, Region IX Representative, and State Director of Nevada. Region IX encompasses Arizona, California and Nevada.

Mike Raponi has worked in technical education for over twenty-seven years as a teacher and program administrator, including his current position as director for the Office of Career Technical Education (CTE) at the Nevada Department of Education. He has a bachelor’s degree in industrial education from the University of Wisconsin–Stout and a master’s degree in adult education and from Oregon State University. Mike also holds a school administration endorsement.

At the Department of Education, Mike is responsible for staff supervision, grants administration, and program development for CTE and adult education. His primary focus for CTE has been the development of common state standards, common course names and sequences, end-of-program assessments, curriculum frameworks and programs of study for all of CTE. This work is to provide the infrastructure to support state-level priorities for economic and workforce development.

Mike’s background includes time spent in the grocery and construction industries, and service as a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras.
Mike Raponi
Mr. Raponi said his states’ work in developing a common set of standards for employability skills based on the twenty-one Workplace Readiness Standards established by the Commonwealth of Virginia, was recently adopted by the Nevada State Board of Education.

When asked for his goals as NASDCTEc Region IX representative, Mr. Raponi said he was excited to move forward on initiatives to help CTE nationwide, and to assist states in achieving goals of the new vision for CTE.

Mr. Raponi brings a rich history of CTE knowledge to the table and can be reached at [email protected].

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

Reminder: Register Now for NASDCTEc Webinar Tomorrow: CTE Trend Analysis

October 3rd, 2012

Every other year, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) conducts a survey of the membership to gauge trends in Career Technical Education (CTE) across the country. Based on analyses of this year’s survey results from 50 states and territories, and comparisons to surveys administered in 2008 and 2010, NASDCTEc has authored a series of synopsis papers that describe trends in four key areas: Career Clusters™ and Programs of Study, CTE Teacher and Faculty Shortages, Governance, and CTE Funding.

This month’s webinar will focus on the first two synopsis papers: Career Clusters™ and Programs of Study and CTE Teacher and Faculty Shortages.

Kara Herbertson from NASDCTEc will give an overview of trends in these areas. Collie Wells from the Alabama Department of Education will discuss Alabama’s Business and Industry Certification, awarded from the International Organization for Standardization (IOS), and how the certification ensures high quality CTE programs. Also, Linda Milstein from Brookdale Community College will discuss an alternate route for certifying CTE teachers.

Please join us for this informative webinar tomorrow, Thursday, October 4th at 3:00 pm ET. Register now!

Kara Herbertson, Research and Policy Manager

Wisconsin State Director Dan Clancy Retires

September 18th, 2012

Dan Clancy has retired as State Director, effective September 14, 2012. Clancy’s service follows a 16-year tenure at the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS), including the past 8 years as system President. NASDCTEc thanks Clancy for his contributions toward WTCS initiatives that are helping to move Wisconsin forward including work on Wisconsin Career Pathways, and for his leadership as a State Director.

Serving as Interim State Director is Kathleen Cullen, Vice President of Teaching and Learning, also at the Wisconsin Technical College System. NASDCTEc welcomes Kathleen. She can be reached at [email protected].

More information:

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

REGISTER NOW for the 2012 NASDCTEc Fall Meeting

September 12th, 2012

Don’t miss this exciting professional development opportunity for State Directors, Career Technical Education (CTE) Leaders, and individuals who contribute to the CTE community at the national, state, and local levels. This meeting is different from any you’ve experienced. We are dedicating an entire day to professional development, focusing on the multiple roles you face as change agent, coalition builder, leader, advocate – and equipping you with the tools you need to be an effective leader in a constantly changing environment.

  • We have a full day of professional development planned with Gallup, a day you do not want to miss!
  • Registration rates are at their best right now through September 14. After September 14, rates will increase. Register now
  • Special Room reservation notice: Our group rates at the Embassy Suites – Omaha run through September 16. After that date, you will no longer be able to secure the group rate. Reserve your room now

We’re looking forward to seeing you this fall in the heartland of America – Omaha, Nebraska. Here is general information as you make your plans.

  • When: October 11-13, 2012
  • Where: Embassy Suites Omaha – Downtown/Old Market, 555 South 10th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 1-402-346-9000
  • Check-in: 3 p.m. Check-out: NOON
  • Parking: Self-parking is $10.00 daily; valet parking is $16.00 daily
  • Reservations: We have secured a special group rate of $91 plus any applicable taxes for suite rooms. This rate is effective through September 16, 2012. After that date, all rooms available are subject to the prevailing regular hotel rates and we will no longer be able to get the group rate – reserve your room before this deadline RESERVE YOUR ROOM NOW
  • Registration Rates now through September 14, 2012 are NASDCTEc Member – $425; Non-Member – $600. On or after September 15, 2012 the registration rates are NASDCTEc Member – $525; Non-Member – $700 REGISTER NOW
  • Transportation Distance from airport: The hotel is within 4 miles of Eppley Airfield – only 5 minutes away
  • Shuttle Service: The hotel has a complimentary airport shuttle to/from the airport. Guests may call the hotel directly at 402-346-9000 for pickup service as they land. The hotel’svan will meet guests across the street outside of door #4. As guests depart the hotel, the hotel runs the shuttle service every ½ hour. Guests may coordinate travel schedule needs with the bell desk, valet or Front Desk agent. The hotel’s shuttle is also available complimentary within a 3 mile radius of the hotel.
  • Attire: Business casual. October weather in Omaha can range from the mid-40s to the mid-60s; you will want to pack a light jacket or sweater.

Quick Links

Questions?Please call 301-588-9630 and we will be happy to help! We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2012 NASDCTEc Fall Meeting!

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

Meet June Sanford, NASDCTEc Region I Representative

August 30th, 2012

In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc presents a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members;” today we are featuring June Sanford, Region I Representative, and State Director of Connecticut. Region I encompasses Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

June Sanford joined the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) in 1999 as an education consultant for school-based School-to-Career and Cooperative Work Education programs. She serves as State Director of Career Technical Education (CTE) and Perkins Program Manager responsible for grant administration, performance accountability data, state-wide program monitoring, and implementation of the Connecticut Career Clusters/Pathway Initiative. June is a state representative for the five-state New England Secondary School Consortium, League of Innovative Schools Committee, dedicated to student success. In addition, June co-leads the CSDE initiative for the Student Success Plan legislated for all students grades 6-12 under the Connecticut Plan for Secondary School Reform.

On the national level, as Connecticut State Director of CTE since 2003, June is a former President of the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) and has recently rejoined the Association Board of Directors. During her tenure as President, a new Vision for Career Technical Education was established, “Reflect, Transform, Lead: A New Vision for Career Technical Education”, focused on the preparedness of students for college- and career-readiness.

Before joining the State Department of Education, June was a secondary education teacher for business, marketing, cooperative work education, and social studies, an advisor for DECA and the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and grant administrator. She holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Post University and a M.S. degree in Business Education from Central Connecticut State University. Prior to becoming a secondary education teacher, she was employed in Corporate Human Resources for Timex Corporation as a Compensation Analyst and Benefits Accountant…June has learned how to “take a licking and keep on ticking”.

When asked her goal as NASDCTEc Region I representative, Ms. Sanford said “To share the tremendous importance of Career Technical Education as preparation for all students to be successful in life and in the global economy.”

June brings a wealth of experience and insight into the Region I leadership role. We thank Ms. Sanford for sharing her personal insight and goal for our organization. She can be reached at [email protected].

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager


