State Return on Investment Strategies Webinar

January 20th, 2010

Return on investment data is one of the most important factors that Congress and the Administration will look at to determine levels of funding for federal programs, like Perkins. On January 14, we hosted a webinar, State Return on Investment Strategies, that looked at the work being done in Oklahoma, Washington and Tennessee to collect data on the return on investment in CTE for the state and individuals. The presenters talked about how states are collecting return on investment data, what some of the results have been, and how this data is being used.

Presenters included:

  • John Hunter, Superintendent, Moore Norman Technology Center, Norman, Oklahoma
  • Bryan Wilson, Deputy Director, Washington State Workforce Board, Olympia, Washington
  • Thom Smith, Executive Director, Tennessee Council for Career and Technical Education, Nashville, Tennessee

If you missed it, don’t worry!  You can download an archived version of the webinar here.

Innovative Uses of Perkins Reserve Fund

January 6th, 2010

Perkins IV gives recipients the opportunity to create a reserve fund to be used for new and innovative programs. The reserve fund represents an opportunity for states to exercise their leadership in directing funds to the program areas in their state with significant need, or areas that can introduce real innovation in CTE.

NASDCTEc has authored Innovative Uses of Perkins Reserve Fund, an issue brief that provides a history of the Perkins reserve fund, explains how it may be used, and highlights examples from several states – Tennessee, Maine, Maryland, South Dakota, and Kansas – that show the different ways in which the reserve fund can be tailored to meet state and local needs.

You can access a copy of the brief here.

Adult Career Pathways Advocacy Tool

November 19th, 2009

As the nation grapples with the economic recession, more and more adults are enrolling in some form of education or training class to upgrade or diversify their skills.  Adult career pathways offer a flexible way for adults to gain technical, academic and ESL skills that lead to a degree or credential.

Check out our latest leave behind about adult career pathways that we will use to inform legislators and their staff on the Hill about the link between CTE and adult education.  You can access a copy of it here.  This leave behind explains what an adult career pathway is, the benefits of an adult career pathway, and gives a sampling of adult career pathway programs in the states.

Please feel free to use this document to inform policymakers and legislators in your state about the benefits of CTE!

Education for Sustainability Webinar

November 6th, 2009

Yesterday, we co-sponsored a webinar that looked at the national trend occurring in K-12 schools: education for sustainability (EFS). Educators presented case studies from their schools and shared resources on how they are successfully using sustainability as an integrative theme in elementary, middle, and high schools across the country.  Sustainability is a concept that shows up in many CTE courses as the workforce becomes more “green.”

Presenters included:

  • Gilda Wheeler, Washington State Department of Education (slides)
  • Naomi Harper, Will Rogers Middle School, Fair Oaks, California (slides)
  • Jeanne Collins, Sustainability Academy, Burlington, Vermont (slides)
  • Kelley Jordan-Monne, Morris Brandon Elementary, Atlanta, Georgia (slides)
  • Eric Wickwire, Cle Elum-Roslyn High School, Cle Elum, Washington (slides)

If you missed it, don’t worry!  You can download an archived version of the webinar here.

Dual Enrollment Advocacy Tool

September 24th, 2009

Postsecondary access is a major focus of the President’s education agenda – he has called on every American to commit at least one year of college or career training.  Dual enrollment is one way to give high school students a head start on their postsecondary goals.  It is important for lawmakers to see the connection between CTE and postsecondary access.

Check out our latest leave behind about dual enrollment and CTE that we will use to inform legislators and their staff on the Hill about the link between CTE and postsecondary success.  You can access a copy of it here.  This leave behind explains the different forms of dual enrollment, the benefits of dual enrollment, and gives a sampling of dual enrollment programs in the states.

Please feel free to use this document to inform policymakers and legislators in your state about the benefits of CTE!

Facing the CTE Teacher Shortage webinar

September 18th, 2009

NASDCTEc hosted Facing the CTE Teacher Shortage, a webinar which highlighted state examples from Alabama, California and Oregon that are employing effective strategies for addressing the teacher shortage in CTE.  Presenters included:

  • Gwen Crawford, Education Specialist for Career and Technical Education Teacher Certification, Teacher Mentoring, and New Teacher Institute at the Alabama Department of Education
  • Dr. Lloyd McCabe, Policy Consultant in the Office of the Director at the Secondary, Career, and Adult Learning Division of the California Department of Education
  • Susanne Daggett, Human Resource Systems Educational Specialist at the Oregon Department of Education

If you missed it, don’t worry!  You can access an archived version of the webinar here.  A PDF version of the Power Point slides is here.

Recording of Webinar 1 of 4 on Programs of Study for Sept 2 is now available

September 4th, 2009

Webinar 1 of 4 in the Programs of Study Webinar Series, Everything You Are Afraid to Ask (But Should Know) about Programs of Study aired September 2, and featured Glenn Cummings, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. He shared the U.S. Department of Education’s view and vision for programs of study in meeting the Administration’s goals. Other call speakers included Corinne Alfeld, AED National Institute for Work and Learning; Steve Klein, MPR Associates, Jim Schoelkopf, MPR Associates, and Kimberly Green, Executive Director, NASDCTEc. Access the recording now.

New Teacher Project Releases Race To The Top Resource

August 27th, 2009

The New Teacher Project, a national non-profit, released a brief last week that could serve as a tremendous resource for states applying for Race to the Top funding and for education leaders and policymakers pursuing reform.

The brief, Interpreting “Race to the Top”: TNTP Summary & Analysis of USDE Draft Guidelines, includes a summary of the Race to the Top application and selection criteria, an analysis of each of the four Race to the Top assurances (standards/assessments, data systems, effective teachers and leaders, and struggling schools), and a preliminary analysis of each state’s current competitiveness for funding, given its existing policy framework.

Washington Public Policy webinar

July 23rd, 2009

NASDCTEc hosted Washington Update from Your NASDCTEc Public Policy Team, a webinar which outlined the action happening on Capitol Hill and in the Obama Administration:

  • Votes are occurring on appropriations bills in both the House and Senate this month;
  • The Employment and Training Administration Assistant Secretary is in place and is testifying about the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act;
  • Congress is turning President Obama’s community college proposal into legislation; and
  • A new OVAE Assistant Secretary has been nominated by the President.

If you missed it, don’t worry! You can access an archived version of the webinar at: Download the PowerPoint slides here.

Green Jobs Advocacy Tool

July 20th, 2009

As we all know, green jobs are a hot topic in the media and on Capitol Hill.  Check out “Green Jobs and CTE”, a leave behind that we will use to inform legislators and their staff on the Hill about the link between CTE and green.  You can access it here.

This leave behind looks at the possible definitions of a green job, links green jobs to economic growth, and outlines the ways in which CTE programs prepare students to compete in the green economy.  Please feel free to use this document to inform policymakers and legislators in your state about the benefits of CTE!


