Colorado Welcomes Scott Stump Back as State Director

Our staff caught up with Scott Stump, who has now returned to his role as State Director – Colorado.

Greetings from Colorado! I am pleased to announce that as of March 12th I have returned to the role of Dean of Career & Technical Education. Serving as the Interim President of Northeastern Junior College over the past nine months was a tremendous learning experience. From negotiating concurrent enrollment agreements to nursing accreditation, the experiences will prove beneficial as our office continues to shape the future of CTE in Colorado.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to Cindy LeCoq, Program Director for Health, Public Safety and ACE for her excellent work filling in as the Interim Dean.

As our Association blogs to keep members and others in the Career Technical Education (CTE) Community up to date on CTE happenings, Colorado also has a Web site devoted to blogging on CTE. Check it Out

Welcome back, Scott! Scott can be reached at [email protected].

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

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