Institute Spotlight: Career Clusters as a Model for Collaboration


The Career Clusters Institute will offer 83 breakouts that are aligned to four different “strands” designed for specific groups. This allows you to more easily navigate the breakout options according to your particular profession. This means that if you are an educator, for example, looking for workshops on bringing together industry, education and workforce, we have a strand designed just for you.

Today, we are highlighting Strand 1, Career Clusters as a Model for Collaboration. Sessions in this strand will share state, local and regional examples in which leaders in education (secondary and postsecondary), workforce development and/or business work together for shared interests and goals using The National Career Clusters as the unifying model and approach.

Here are just a few examples of the courses being offered within the strand:

The Get-Into-Energy Career Pathways Initiative
Valerie Taylor, Educational Consultant, Center for Energy Workforce Development

The Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD) is bringing together industry, education and workforce to create career pathways in the energy industry. The pathways are based on an integrated model of energy industry competencies and the career cluster knowledge and skill sets aligned with stackable credentials. The pathways system also includes career coaching and employer support elements that demonstrate collaboration at its best. Find out about this innovative initiative, including what’s in store for the pilot program and a national rollout.

Sharing National Trends and Views from the Hill

Career Technical Education is undergoing so many changes. What are the top issues, opportunities, and challenges that face the profession? This session will serve as a thought starter to identify the trends that impact what we do – things you and your program/school/state might want to take into consideration as you move forward with advancing Career Clusters. This session will also provide a brief legislative update on the federal legislation impacting CTE and Career Clusters, Perkins implementation, and what politicians are saying (or not saying) about education and workforce issues.

Using Statewide Articulation Agreements as the Vehicle to Drive Rigorous Programs of Study
Scott Hess, Chief, College & Career Transitions, OVAE, Department of Education

In the fall of 2008 OVAE selected six states through an application process, to establish rigorous programs of study (RPOS) through the creation of statewide articulation agreements. During this panel discussion representatives from OVAE’s RPOS project will share their successes, as well as the challenges they faced during this project, which is slated to end later this year.

Look for more exciting courses, all with CEU earning potential, within Strand 1 or any of the other three strands on the Institute webpage.

General registration ends May 7th, 2010. Register now and avoid the late registration fee!


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