The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) gives states an opportunity to improve their data systems and make more data-informed decisions. The new law maintains a focus on data andaccountability and includes significant changes to these systems. These shifts include providing a definition of who is included in the accountability system, changes to the indicators of performance and the process for setting targets for these indicators, and additional disaggregation for each indicator by CTE program or Career Cluster. With implementation of these changes in Perkins V on the horizon, what can states do to improve the quality and effective use of their data? Check out the resources below to learn more about today’s state data systems for CTE, how states are measuring college and career readiness, and opportunities for coordination with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as states plan for implementation of accountability systems.
REPORT: The State of Career Technical Education: Improving Data Quality and Effectiveness: A strong, well-aligned data system allows State CTE Directors and other state leaders to answer critical questions about the quality of their CTE programs and whether learners are participating and succeeding equitably. But today’s state data systems are not meeting the need for data-informed decision making. How can states improve the quality of their data systems so they can make more effective use of their data? This report draws on a national survey of State Directors to answer this critical question and more.
REPORT: Making Career Readiness Count 3.0: The third edition of the Making Career Readiness Count report – which was developed by Advance CTE, Achieve, Education Strategy Group and the Council of Chief State School Officers through the New Skills for Youth initiative – examines how states are measuring college and career readiness in their state and federal accountability systems.
GUIDE: Coordinating Across Perkins V and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: This guide from Advance CTE and the National Skills Coalition looks at six opportunities to promote coordination across Perkins V and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), including planning for the implementation of accountability systems, as states develop plans under Perkins V.
- Middle Tennessee State University: Predictive Analytics: Middle Tennessee State University utilizes the student success management system technology, which helps with analysis of student data over time. This analysis provides predictive scores so that faculty can identify the students who are at risk of dropping out and intervene.
- Minnesota: Graduate Employment Outcomes Tool: The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and the Office of Higher Education released the Graduate Employment Outcomes Tool, which provides wage and employment reports by institution and by program for individuals who graduated within the past few years.
Looking for additional resources? Please be sure to check out the Learning that Works Resource Center.