Posts Tagged ‘Advance CTE Board’

Legislative Update: Advance CTE Board President Testifies Before Congress

Friday, March 31st, 2023

This week Advance CTE’s Board of Directors President Laura Scheibe testified on Capitol Hill. Elsewhere, efforts to fund federal programs later this year continue while the House examines the U.S. labor market and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) makes a series of new announcements. 

Advance CTE Board President Testifies Before Congress 

On Wednesday, March 29, Laura Scheibe, Advance CTE’s Board of Directors President and South Dakota’s State Director for Career Technical Education (CTE), testified before the House Appropriations, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS-ED) Subcommittee regarding rural workforce development issues and the role her state’s technical college system has in providing more quality CTE opportunities for learners. The Labor-HHS-ED Subcommittee is the primary entity in the House with responsibility for overseeing funding for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) as well as other federal education and workforce development programs falling under the purview of these agencies. Scheibe highlighted South Dakota’s CTE successes, including increased demand for programs, high completion rates, alignment with industry, and other key elements of the state’s CTE system that provides a high impact for its learners, many of whom reside in rural communities. 

Scheibe’s appearance also highlighted the importance of the federal investment, made through Perkins V, that helps to make much of this possible. “This federal investment means our students learn on modern, industry-grade equipment so they come out workforce ready,” she noted in her testimony. She also highlighted the critical role Perkins has in supporting learners, noting “Perkins-funded Student Success Coordinators meet not just educational counseling needs, but transportation, affordable housing and navigating postsecondary as a first-generation student. For learners facing barriers, this can make all the difference to move from poverty into a family-sustaining career.” Scheibe also emphasized the important impact flexible Perkins funding can have to meet unique state and local needs saying, in part, “Additionally, our state’s Reserve Fund, a flexible portion of Perkins, is a critical tool that allows us to further expand activities benefiting our rural communities. At the secondary level, this funding supports innovation and equipment not otherwise possible for small districts.” 

A full recording of the hearing can be found here, along with her written testimony. In recent weeks, Advance CTE and the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) has also submitted written testimony to the Labor-HHS-ED Subcommittee calling for increased investment in Perkins V’s basic state grant program. 

Take Action on FY24 Perkins Funding

Written by Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). Original post can be found here

Each year, Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) lead a “Dear Colleague” letter to be sent to the Chair and Ranking Member of the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee requesting robust funding for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) in the FY 2024 Labor, Health, and Human Services appropriations bill. We need your help again to secure an increase for Perkins that ensures CTE can continue to meet urgent workforce needs and serve as a critical part of the country’s economic growth. CLICK HERE to ask your senator to sign the “Dear Colleague” letter!

House Holds Hearing on Employment

On Tuesday, March 28, the House Education and the Workforce Committee held a hearing titled “Unleashing America’s Opportunities for Hiring and Employment.” Witnesses included economists and employer representatives who discussed the current state of the American labor market and debated policies that could directly impact current economic conditions. Of note, witnesses and committee members frequently highlighted the importance of high-quality educational pathways that lead to further opportunity and greater economic growth. In particular, members highlighted the importance of CTE programs and related pathways as a primary way to address ongoing labor shortages in key sectors of the economy. More information on the hearing, including an archived webcast, can be found here

ED Unveils Work-Based Learning Grant Challenge 

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) formally launched the “Career Z Challenge”—a new grant competition intended to surface innovative approaches to expanding learner access to work-based learning opportunities. The multiphase grant competition will seek to identify promising best practices that can be scaled elsewhere in the nation. Local education agencies and schools that receive federal Perkins V funding are eligible to apply and to share their ideas for how to improve and expand work-based learning. More information on the challenge can be found here.   

Senate Appropriations Outlines Hearing Schedule

In anticipation of further Congressional efforts to advance federal fiscal year 2024 (FY24) legislation this year, the Senate Appropriations Committee announced a series of hearings to examine the Biden Administration’s Congressional budget request. A hearing examining the U.S. Department of Education’s FY24 budget proposal is currently scheduled for May 11. A date has not yet been set for the U.S. Department of Labor. The full list of hearings can be found here

ED Issues Teacher Pipeline Guidance

Recently the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) issued a “Dear Colleague” letter outlining ways state and local leaders can leverage federal funds to strengthen teacher pipeline efforts. Specifically, the guidance outlines ways that resources from the Perkins V can be used to support various teacher recruitment, retention and development initiatives. The letter can be found here.

 Steve Voytek, Policy Advisor 

By Jodi Langellotti in Public Policy
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Meet Fran Beauman, NASDCTEc Board Associate Member Representative

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc is sharing a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members;” today we are featuring Dr. Fran Beauman, Associate Member Representative.

Dr. Beauman has been an active member of NASDCTE for over 25 years and has served on a variety of the Association’s committees. Over the past 40 years, she has been involved in multiple facets of Career Technical Education (CTE). She started as a Family and Consumer Science teacher in 1970. After teaching high school for 9 years she left to work at the in the CTE Department at the Illinois State Board of Education. During the 25 years she was at the agency, she served as manager for a variety of units these included program improvements and evaluation, research and development and program technical assistance. As State Director of CTE for Illinois she worked with postsecondary and secondary educators, business partners and others in connecting education to workforce preparation. Since retiring as State Director in 2002, she has been involved in a variety of interesting and challenging initiatives. Some of these include serving as project director for the statewide implementation of the Health Science Career Cluster™ and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics (TDL) Career Cluster™ in Illinois; coordinating the Illinois Mathematics, Science and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Career Cluster™ Initiative; and directing a TDL curriculum development project which is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Dr. Beauman received her bachelor’s, masters and doctoral degrees at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.
When asked for her goals as a Board Member, Beauman said “One of my goals is to promote the Career Clusters™ Initiative and continue to work with schools and industry to further Career Cluster™ support. Another goal is to provide support to states as they incorporate the common core standards into their CTE programs and assure that students are ready for both college and careers.”

NASDCTEc appreciates Fran Beauman’s service to the Board. She can be reached at [email protected].

Ramona Schescke, Member Services Manager

By admin in Advance CTE Announcements, Career Clusters®
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Meet Melissa Lomax, NASDCTEc Region VI Board Member

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

“Meet Your Board Member” series continues…

In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc is presenting a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members;” today we are featuring Melissa Lomax, Region VI Representative.  Region VI encompasses Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Dr. Melissa Lomax is Bureau Chief for Career-Technical & Workforce Education with the New Mexico Public Education Department Instructional Services Division. Her experience encompasses PreK – 20 educational initiatives delivered through her work as a public school administrator, counselor, teacher, and as university professor.

She received her Ph.D. in Counseling, Development, and Higher Education from the University of North Texas in Denton; her M.Ed. in Counseling and Human Development from Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas; and her Bachelor’s degree in English from The University of Texas in Austin.

Dr. Lomax’s educational leadership reflects her belief that one’s sense of purpose and one’s desire to move toward the attainment of personal goals are at the core of human motivation and learning. Assisting others in their educational endeavors using this lens of motivation has resulted in the building and/or restructuring of educational programs to better address the needs of students, teachers, and employers.

When asked to share her perspective as a Board Member, Dr. Lomax answered “Priorities I hold as a board member of NASDCTE are to support policies and programs that place educational and training resources in the hands of students, teachers, business and industry partners in a manner that ensures an individual is able to pursue his or her next step regarding college and career preparation, and to attain industry recognized credentials, excel within a career field, and advance in postsecondary education.”

By admin in News

Meet NASDCTEc Vice President Patrick Ainsworth

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc is presenting a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members”; today we are featuring Vice President Patrick Ainsworth, who hails from California.

Patrick AinsworthDr. Patrick Ainsworth joined the California Department of Education (CDE) in November 1996. Currently, he serves as Assistant Superintendent of the Secondary, Postsecondary, and Career Education Division. He oversees secondary education, including middle and high school education, college preparation programs, postsecondary relations, adult education, career technical education, and workforce preparation programs. A few examples of responsibilities include middle and high school reform, smaller learning communities, Partnership Academies, Regional Occupational Centers and Programs, gender equity compliance, business and industry partnerships, and oversight of state and federal programs totaling over $1 billion in annual revenues. Patrick also works at the federal level designated as the State Director of Career Technical Education and State Director of Adult Education.

Prior to joining the CDE, Patrick worked for the Riverside County Office of Education, where he served as the Administrator of a countywide consortium consisting of nineteen school districts devoted to educating and career training for disadvantaged and at-risk high school aged youth. He also served as Principal-Coordinator, Instructional Specialist, and Counselor while at the county office. Patrick began his career in education as a substitute teacher, transitioned into teaching of severely handicapped youth and adults, and served as a high school counselor for nine years at Lake Elsinore and La Sierra High Schools.

Dr. Ainsworth earned his Doctorate in Educational Management and Leadership from University of La Verne (July 2000). His dissertation was titled, Policy Alternatives for Increasing the Number of California’s Graduating High School Students Having the Essential Employability Skills Necessary to Compete in the New Economy. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science (1975), Master’s Degree in Education-Counseling (1977) at California State University San Bernardino, and holds credentials in Pupil Personnel Services and Professional Administrative Services.

Among Patrick’s accomplishments:

Like other NASDCTEc Board members, Patrick’s professional involvement reaches beyond the CTE sphere, including his role as the Superintendent’s Designee on the California Workforce Investment Board, Joint Boards Advisory Committee, Community College Economic Development Policy Advisory Council, and numerous other key groups. He serves as Co-President of the California Career Resource Network, and is the Vice President to the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education consortium. For five years he has been a member of the California State University San Bernardino School of Education Dean’s Advisory Committee. He has also served as President of the California Association of Regional Occupational Centers and Programs, Chair of the ACSA Region 3 Secondary Education Council, and on the Board of LEED Sacramento, Linking Education and Economic Development. During 1995, Dr. Ainsworth was President of the American Lung Association (ALA) of the Inland Counties and participated in developing the ALA Strategic Plans at the State and National levels. He has also served on the Board of Directors for both the San Bernardino YMCA and the Tri-Valley YMCA.

In addition to these experiences, Patrick has worked for the YMCA, was a musician and recording engineer, and for seven years hosted a weekly television show for the King Video Cable System. Pat is married to his wonderful wife and partner of 35 years, Karen. They have three fabulous children – Amanda and twins Randy and Ryan. In his spare time Pat enjoys gardening, woodworking, snow skiing, water sports, and fishing.

Patrick indicated his primary goals as a NASDCTEc Board member is “to strengthen CTE as Perkins and ESEA are reauthorized and to increase funding to expand CTE opportunities for all students.”

We thank Dr. Ainsworth for providing personal insight and sharing his goals for our organization. He can be reached at [email protected].

By admin in Advance CTE Announcements, Advance CTE State Director

Meet Dr. Phil Berkenbile, NASDCTEc President

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc is presenting a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members”, beginning with Dr. Phil Berkenbile, our President.

Berkenbile began his career in Oklahoma as an agricultural education instructor for Morrison Public Schools.  He joined the Oklahoma Department of CareerTech in 1988 as the agricultural education northwest district supervisor and curriculum specialist.  In 1994 he became the agricultural education assistant state supervisor.  A year later Berkenbile left the agency to become the superintendent of schools in Morrison. He returned to the agency in 1999 as the associate state director of educational services.  In April 2003, he was selected as chief of staff, and in May 2003 he began serving as interim state director, and was named State Director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education in 2004, by its State Board.

Like every dedicated State Director, Berkenbile serves as Chairman of the Governor’s Taskforce on Healthcare, and is a Board member on the Governor’s Taskforce on Aerospace and Information Security, the Oklahoma Manufacturers Alliance Board, the State Insurance Advisory Council, and the State Workforce Development Board.  He is President of the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education (NASDCTE), past-chair of the Oklahoma Education Technology Trust (OETT) Foundation, Board member of the Oklahoma Community Institute, member of the Oklahoma College Savings Taskforce, member of the Academy of State Goals, and a 2001-02 graduate of Leadership Oklahoma – Class XIV.  He is a member of the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Program and a 2001-02 graduate of Educators Leadership Academy. He serves on the CareerTech Administrative Council (CTAC) and is a member of the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education (OkACTE).

He received his bachelor’s, masters and doctoral degrees in agricultural education from Oklahoma State University. In 2006 he received the OSU Graduate of Distinction Award in agricultural education. 

A recipient of numerous civic and community awards, Berkenbile has also been recognized at the state and national levels for his many contributions to Oklahoma’s education system. 

When asked about his goals as President of NASDCTEc, Berkenbile gave a strong response:

  1.  To help disseminate the new direction and vision of Career and Technology education to all states, legislators and business & industry partners.  We are not the vocational education our fathers knew.
  2. To broaden the scope and participation of students in a new CTE that includes technical, academic and soft skills learning for the future in a global, life-long learning arena.  Our programs of study and pathways lead to top level credentials, certifications and degrees that result in a highly educated workforce.
  3. To provide academic educators the knowledge that our curriculum and courses are rigorous and help reinforce the courses they teach in math, science and literacy.
  4. To help our business & industry partners understand that we are about training for high-demand, high-wage and high-skill jobs for today and for a workforce of the future.

About the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education

We thank Dr. Berkenbile for providing personal insight and sharing his goals for our organization. He can be reached at [email protected].

By admin in Advance CTE Announcements, Advance CTE State Director


