Posts Tagged ‘career academies’

Report: Dual Enrollment, Career Academies among CTE Elements in Path to College and Beyond Explored

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010
Success At Every Step

Success At Every Step

Career Academies, dual enrollment, and enhanced math-in-CTE are highlighted in the American Youth Policy Forum’s (AYPF) new publication, Success at Every Step: How 23 Programs Support Youth on the Path to College and Beyond, which profiles programs that have been proven to help young people complete high school and be prepared for success in postsecondary education and careers, based on the results of recent, high-quality evaluations. The findings of the report showcase a variety of programs that support college- and career-readiness, exploring implications for federal and state policy.

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Happy Birthday Career Academies: 40 Years Old!

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

Earlier this month, the career academies movement celebrated its’ 40th birthday in Philadelphia, the birthplace of career academies.  The reasons for starting career academies 40 ago hold true today – making learning relevant, reducing the drop out rate, connecting students to the workplace, creating opportunities for students, engaging the local community in the school, increasing achievment, and improving earnings potential. Given the fickleness of reform initiatives, any reform effort lasting 40 years is a pretty outstanding accomplishment. Congratulations!

To acknowledge the momentus occasion, the National Career Academy Coalition commissioned a paper: High School Career Academies: A 40-Year Proven Model for Improving College and Career Readiness .  The paper was highlighted at a November 4 briefing where speakers Kelly Hastings from Senator Enzi’s office, Connie Scotchel-Gross from Palm Beach County, FL, and Andy Chavez from Marriott spoke about their perspectives and shared their experiences with career academies.  The panel reflected the important intersection of partners that career acdaemies bring together – education, government, community and business.  The publication is a great resource that provides an overview of career academies, as well as shares a series of policy recommendations.

What makes career academies unique?  In addition to outlasting many other reform efforts, career academies have a very strong research base and proof of impact.  MDRC did a random assignment study of career academies that found a positive impact on attendance, earned credits, and high school graduation and college attendance rates. Additionally, participation in a career academy increased post-high school employment rates and earnings, particularly for at-risk young men.

With a focus on quality, a coalition of organizations created the National Standards of Practice that guide the continuous improvement. Happy birthday career academies! Wishing you 40 more years of success! Thanks for helping so many students succeed!

By admin in Public Policy, Research

Success at Every Step: How 23 Programs Support Youth on the Path to College and Beyond

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

This new American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) compendium publication describes programs that have been proven to help young people successfully complete high school and be prepared for success in postsecondary education and careers. These programs represent a wide range of interventions, including school-wide reform initiatives, community-based afterschool services, work-based learning opportunities, and college access programs. From an analysis of the included programs, the report identifies common programmatic and structural elements that may contribute to their effectiveness and summarizes key outcomes, such as the following:

 The publication also includes a logic model that illustrates the complexity of the process of preparing youth to succeed in careers, lifelong learning, and civic engagement, as well as the various systems and service providers that support youth at each step of the developmental pipeline.

Executive Summary

By admin in Publications, Research
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