Posts Tagged ‘funding’

ED Stakeholders Forum: Race to the Top, Investing in Innovation, and SFSF Phase II

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Education hosted the second in a series of monthly Education Stakeholders Forums, where they share updates and information about timely education issues with representatives from schools, organizations, state and local governments, and other interested individuals.  This month’s forum focused on the Race to the Top funds, the Investing in Innovation grants, and the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Part II requirements.

Deputy Secretary Tony Miller reiterated that all of these programs will take into account efforts to address the Department’s four reform areas — standards and assessments, effective teachers, data systems, and struggling schools — when considering grant applications.

Joanne Weiss, Director of the Race to the Top Program, explained that states will have two opportunities to apply for funding – once in the fall of 2009 and once in the spring of 2010.  This gives states who do not win a grant in during the first application period to apply again next year.  States that win a grant will not be eligible to apply during the second application period.  She also outlined the proposed priorities for applicants which were released in the Federal Register last week.

Jim Shelton, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement, spoke about the Investing in Innovation grants.  The key design principles for these grants include: outcomes, evidence, learning, sustainability, and scalability.

Ann Whalen, Special Assistant to the Secretary, reviewed the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Phase II reporting requirements.  These proposed metrics include 3 descriptors and 30 indicators in the categories of Equity in Teacher Distribution (8), Improving Collection and Use of Data (2), Standards and Assessments (14), and Support for Struggling Schools (9).  More information on these proposed requirements can be found in last week’s Federal Register.

The Department also provided stakeholders with a concise summary of all of the ED ARRA grants, which you can read here.

By admin in Public Policy
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Appropriations Bills Voted on in July-Perkins funding likely flat for FY 2010

Friday, July 31st, 2009

This week, the Senate took their turn at writing and approving an FY 2010 appropriations bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (Labor HHS, Education) . On Tuesday the Labor HHS Education Subcommittee approved their version of the bill and on Thursday the full Senate Appropriations Committee approved the bill. The bill maintains flat funding for Perkins Basic State Grants, National Programs, and Tech Prep. This is consistent with what was included in President Obama’s budget submission and in the version of the Labor HHS Education Appropriations Bill approved by the House of Representatives last week. Reliable sources in the Senate have reported that the Senate will likely not vote on this bill before the Senate adjourns for August recess and that they will consider the bill in September.

By admin in Legislation
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Washington Public Policy webinar

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

NASDCTEc hosted Washington Update from Your NASDCTEc Public Policy Team, a webinar which outlined the action happening on Capitol Hill and in the Obama Administration:

If you missed it, don’t worry! You can access an archived version of the webinar at: Download the PowerPoint slides here.

By admin in Advance CTE Resources
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Potential New Federal Funding for CTE – Contact Your Representatives Today!

Sunday, July 19th, 2009


H.R. 3211, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act is being voted on by the House Education and Labor Committee on Tuesday. If passed into law, this bill would provide the largest infusion of new funding for CTE and community colleges in many years. The President and the Congress are shining the spotlight on CTE and skills training with this legislation which the president initially unveiled earlier this week during a visit to a community college in Michigan. This bill is a tremendous opportunity for us to let Congress know that you support the funding available to CTE! You can find a brief summary of the legislation here.

There are many constituencies affected by the bill that will be mobilized to act to ensure that their programs are funded. Act now to ensure that CTE retains its share of the funding!


Please call your Representative and ask to speak to their aid who handles education issues. Your message is straightforward:

• I am calling about H.R. 3221, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act.

• I support the provisions that provide grant support to community colleges and area career technical schools in Title V which will allow these institutions to provide students access to high quality education and training.

• I also support the provisions in Title III which provide financial support for facilities modernization, renovation and repair at community colleges, K-12 schools, and area technical schools.


You can find out who your House of Representatives member is by going to this link:

You can reach your Representative’s office through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.


Normally we would encourage you to send email messages, but because the House Education and Labor Committee is voting on this bill on Tuesday July 21, time is of the essence. If your member serves on the Education and Labor Committee, your input is especially important. A listing of those members can be found at:

If you have any questions or receive any feedback from your Congressional outreach, please contact NASDCTEc’s Public Policy Manager Nancy Conneely at

Thank you for your advocacy efforts.

By admin in Legislation, Public Policy
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