Posts Tagged ‘Innovation’

Hearing Calls for Innovation and Accountability with Flexibility in ESEA Reauthorization

Friday, February 11th, 2011

The House Education and the Workforce Committee met yesterday to hear about and discuss state and local-level innovations, educational output from federal spending, and the role of the federal government in schools today.

Committee members and witnesses broadly discussed areas to include and exclude from the upcoming ESEA reauthorization. Both Chairman John Kline (MN) and Ranking Member George Miller (CA) cited balancing flexibility with accountability as a major concern.

Each of the four witnesses shared insight into education reform at the state and local levels. Andrew Coulson of the CATO Institute presented disturbing statistics revealing that dramatically increased education spending does not equate to improved results. Coulson stated that “We have little to show for the $2 trillion in federal education spending of the past half century… it now costs three times as much to provide essentially the same education as we provided in 1970.”

Dr. Tony Bennett, Indiana’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, discussed what his state is doing to increase educational productivity. He described state-level innovations, like value-added growth models, that are showing promise in Indiana. He and the three other witnesses agreed that Congress will need to produce a comprehensive plan to create effective reform.

Ranking Member Miller is confident that ESEA reauthorization will occur this year, and demanded high goals and achievement, aligned with college and career-ready standards, for all students.

You can view an archived webcast of the hearing here.

By admin in Public Policy
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NASDCTEc Fall Meeting: Levers of Change

Friday, November 5th, 2010

During a workshop session facilitated by Langdon Morris of Innovation Labs, Fall Meeting attendees learned about the “levers of change” though a series of case studies aimed at highlighting how companies have transformed their brand, their strategies and their vision. Lessons learned at this session were translated to how State Directors and the CTE community can transform CTE by putting the new vision, Reflect, Transform, Lead, into action as attendees worked together in small groups.

One of the takeaways from this session was that failure is not always a bad thing because the faster you fail, the quicker you can reach success.

We also learned that the closer you get to changing a system, the harder it pushes back. Therefore, each movement, company or organization needs three players to make change happen:

These three players must work together in order for change to happen. Who serves in these roles in your organization?

By admin in Meetings and Events
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Leaders and Laggards Report Published

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Yesterday the Institute for a Competitive Workforce (ICW) at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce along with the Center for American Progress and the American Enterprise Institute released a joint report, Leaders and Laggards: A State-by-State Report Card on Education Innovation during ICW’s Education and Workforce Summit.  The report evaluates “the innovation gap in American education, identifying key problem areas and seeking promising solutions” in eight areas:

Frederick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute was quick to point out that “innovation” here does not mean best practices that can be taken to scale, but rather opportunities to innovate, because what works well in one state may not work everywhere.  In other words, states that remove barriers to innovation tended to score higher than those states whose policies and practices make it hard for schools and districts to effectively solve problems.

The findings of the report were unsettling as very few states received high marks in the key areas.  However, outstanding programs and practices were highlighted in each category.  For example, in the Pipeline to Postsecondary category North Carolina was given recognition for its large concentration of early college high schools that allow students to earn college credits while still in high school.

By admin in Public Policy
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