Posts Tagged ‘Public Policy’

New Report and State Profiles Show Economic Benefit of Cutting Dropout Rates

Friday, March 25th, 2011

The Alliance for Excellent Education released a report and individual state profiles this week that show how cutting the high school dropout rate can have a positive impact on the economy. Education and the Economy: Boosting the Nation’s Economy by Improving High School Graduation Rates found that if the high school graduation rate were cut in half, these 650,000 “new graduates” would benefit the economy in some of the following ways:

The dollar amounts included in the report represent the economic returns from cutting the dropout rate for only one high school class. The Alliance points out that increasing the graduation rates for future classes would create cumulative benefits that would be exponentially greater.  Later this spring, the Alliance will release similar projections for metropolitan areas.

“Decisions on how to close budget gaps and build a strong economy must begin with ensuring better educational outcomes for the nation’s students,” said Alliance president Bob Wise. “There’s been a lot of talk about how budget deficits threaten our children’s future, but the best way to cut budget deficits is to cut dropout rates.”

You can access information about the economic benefits of cutting the graduation rate in your state here.

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House Hearings in PA and NY Look at Role of Higher Ed in Job Training

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

This week, the House Education and the Workforce Committee held two field hearings in Pennsylvania and New York entitled, “Reviving our Economy: The Role of Higher Education in Job Growth and Development.” At these hearings, the Committee heard from representatives from local schools and colleges about the education and workforce needs in their communities and their ability to prepare graduates for the local economy.

At the hearing in Wilkes-Barre, PA, several witnesses cited the need for increased funding for education and job training programs, community colleges and Pell grants that help students get the preparation they need for jobs at a time when demand for these programs is increasing.

One of the witnesses at the hearing in Utica, NY asked in his written testimony, “… with understandably limited resources, how does a medium-sized community such as ours embark on the capacity building it needs to do in order to develop a workforce development education and training infrastructure that keeps pace with the needs of the future? As our economy is requiring higher and higher skills, the capacity of our systems to deliver those skills must continue to grow.”  This is a question that communities of every size across the country are asking at this critical time. Let’s hope Congress is listening.

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Duncan Defends FY12 Budget, and Perkins Cuts, Before the House

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan testified before the House twice this week concerning the Obama Administration’s FY12 education budget – on Wednesday before the House Education and the Workforce Committee and Thursday in front of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies.

During the Education and the Workforce hearing, Rep. Glenn Thompson (PA) asked the Secretary why the Administration was proposing to cut Perkins CTE funding when CTE students outperform their peers in math and science. Thompson also wanted to know how schools could be expected to offer higher quality CTE programs with fewer resources. Duncan responded that results from Perkins-funded programs across the country are mixed – some are great, but some are antiquated, so schools must learn from what is working and replicate.

At today’s appropriations hearing, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) also asked the Secretary about the proposed cuts to Perkins, noting that CTE programs lead students to high wage, high skill, high demand careers through career pathways at a time when skilled workers are needed more than ever. Like Thompson, she said that CTE students in her district outperform non-CTE students in math and reading, and graduate high school at a higher rate. Again, Duncan responded that some CTE programs are great, while others are not, and that they made the tough decision to “cut where we could, to invest where we must.”

It is clear from the Secretary’s answers that more consistent data about outcomes is needed to show the Administration that CTE programs are serving students well and leading to high achievement and high graduation and completion rates. Until we can tell a different story about CTE than the one Duncan is familiar with, cuts to Perkins may become a reality.

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Career Pathways Innovation Fund Grants Available

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced the availability of up to $122 million in competitive Career Pathways Innovation Fund grants. The intent of these grants is to continue DOL’s support for community colleges, with a particular focus on career pathway programs implemented by community colleges in partnership with other organizations in the community. This program replaces the Community-Based Job Training Grants.

At least $65 million of the funding will go to projects that focus on the health care sector. The following four types of entities are eligible to apply as lead grantees: Local Workforce Investment Boards, individual community and technical colleges, community college districts, and state community college systems. DOL intends to fund approximately 40 to 50 grants ranging from $1 million to $5 million. Approximately $6.25 million of the total funds available will be reserved to support grantee efforts to conduct a third-party evaluation of the grant activities.

Issue Date: February 28, 2011

Closing Date: March 31, 2011

More information available here.

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Legislative Update: ESEA

Friday, March 4th, 2011

Moderate Senators Release ESEA Proposal

A group of eleven moderate Democratic Senators, led by Sens. Michael Bennet (CO) and Kay Hagan (NC), this week unveiled a plan to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The plan, which closely resembles the President’s Blueprint for Reform released last year, focuses on the following key principles:

1. Accountability Structure

2. School Turnaround

3. Teachers and Leaders

4. Foster Innovation

5. Equity in Resources

“In North Carolina, we understand that our economic strength as a country is dependent on well educated and highly skilled workers ready to compete in the global economy,” said Hagan.

Other Senators that signed onto the proposal include Joe Lieberman (CT), Mary Landrieu (LA), Thomas Carper (DE), Joe Manchin (WV), Chris Coons (DE), Herb Kohl (WI), Dianne Feinstein (CA), Mark Warner (VA) and Mark Begich (AK).

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House Introduces Short Term CR to Avoid Government Shutdown

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

On Friday the House Appropriations Committee unveiled a short term continuing resolution (CR) that, if passed by the Senate and signed by the President, would fund the government until March 18, allowing time for a compromise to be reached on a longer term funding bill. Passage of this CR will prevent a government shut down that could otherwise occur on March 4. The CR contains funding to allow government agencies and programs to continue operating at current spending levels for the next two weeks, except for several programs that will be terminated or cut.

These cuts and eliminations total $4 billion in spending reductions, however, Tech Prep is not one of the programs targeted for cuts in this bill. While this is significant, and shows that the advocacy efforts of the CTE community are making an impact, the fight is not over. This bill buys Congress additional time to work out a compromise, but Republicans in the House remained committed to deep cuts, of which Tech Prep could still be one.

Please continue to call your Members of Congress to urge them not to cut Perkins Tech Prep funding!

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Webinar Reminder: Washington Update: State of the Union, Funding and the New Congress

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to register for today’s NASDCTEc webinar Washington Update: State of the Union, Funding and the New Congress

When: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 4 p.m. Eastern

Join Nancy Conneely, NASDCTEc’s Public Policy Manager, as she walks you through all that’s happening in Washington. You will hear about the President’s State of the Union Address and his proposed budget, Congressional plans for funding and other bills, and what impact the newly elected Congress could have on education policy in the coming year.

Attendee link to register/access:

Event number: 206 474 096   Event password: update

Questions? Call 301-588-9630.

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Legislative Update: Appropriations, ESEA

Friday, February 18th, 2011

Debate on FY11 CR Continues in the House

The House planned to hold votes yesterday on H.R. 1, the continuing resolution (CR) that proposes to cut $100 billion from federal programs, including $103 million from Perkins Tech Prep. However, the vast number of amendments (many of which call for deeper cuts) has kept debate going late into the night this week. The House is now expected to conclude debate and hold a vote tomorrow.

The bill will then move to the Senate the week of February 28, where it is not expected to pass. The Senate has said they will introduce their own short term resolution, but House Speaker John Boehner (OH) has said that he will not vote for a CR that does not include cuts, which could result in a government shutdown.

Remember to call your Member of Congress TODAY to ask them to preserve Tech Prep funding!

President Meets with Congressional Leaders to Discuss ESEA

Yesterday morning President Obama with the “Big 8,” the education committee chairmen and ranking members, and subcommittee chairmen and ranking members of the committees that oversee K-12 education issues. This group includes Sens. Tom Harkin (IA), Mike Enzi (WY), Jeff Bingaman (NM), and Lamar Alexander (TN); and Reps. John Kline (MN), George Miller (CA), Duncan Hunter (CA), and Dale Kildee (MI).

According to the White House, the group discussed redefining the federal role in education, raising expectations for students and schools, boosting teacher effectiveness, and providing greater flexibility to support innovation and improvements. The timing of the meeting shows that the Obama Administration is committed to reauthorizing ESEA this year.

By admin in Legislation
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Governors See Education and Job Creation as Priorities in 2011, According to NGA Analysis

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

An analysis by the National Governors Association of thirty-five recent State of the State addresses found that most governors focused on tough budget choices, smaller government, and strategies to create jobs. Some of the other key areas that Interim Analysis: 2011 State of the State Addresses discovered in governors’ speeches included:

By admin in Public Policy
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States Progressing with College- and Career-Ready Agenda, Survey Finds

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Each year Achieve, Inc. reports on the progress of all 50 states and the District of Columbia in implementing college- and career-ready policies. Closing the Expectations Gap, 2011, the sixth annual report in this series, found that states are increasingly aligning the expectations for high school graduates with the demands of college and the workplace, but there is more work to be done. Mike Cohen, Achieve’s president said in statement, “While support for the college- and career-ready agenda is widespread, state progress adopting the policies of this agenda has remained mixed.”

This year’s report found the following:

You can find state by state results here.

By admin in Public Policy
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