Posts Tagged ‘rural’

AYPF Webinar This Week – Rural High Schools Preparing Students through CTE and Dual Enrollment

Monday, July 25th, 2011

The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF), a nonprofit professional development organization for policymakers, practitioners and researchers, is holding a webinar this Thursday to describe how rural schools are preparing students for college and careers through dual enrollment and Career Technical Education (CTE). The webinar will feature speakers from two rural high schools as well as John White, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Rural Outreach at the U.S. Department of Education. Read more

Date: Thursday, 7/28/2011
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 ET

Click here to register for this webinar.

Kara Herbertson, Education Policy Analyst, [email protected]

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Legislative Update: House Committee Passes ESEA Flexibility Bill; WIA Markup Rescheduled; Debt Talks Continue; All Children Are Equal Act; and Veterans Opportunity to Work Act

Friday, July 15th, 2011

House Committee Passes 3rd ESEA Bill

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved this week the third in a series of five bills designed to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The third bill, the State and Local Funding Flexibility Act, passed the Committee despite strong opposition from Democrats and accusations of civil rights violation. Read more.

Workforce Investment Act

The Senate showed an effort to move forward with reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) last month when they released a discussion draft for comment. However, markup of the bill continues to be pushed back and is now scheduled to occur on August 3rd.

Debt Talks

With only two weeks left to take action, Congress still struggles to compromise on the debt ceiling. Republican House leaders will vote next week on a plan that would increase the debt ceiling if Democrats agree to $2.4 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years, in addition to passing a balanced budget amendment.

Obama disagrees with the Republican House plan, saying that “I have not seen a credible plan that would allow you to get to $2.4 trillion without really hurting ordinary folks.” The President continues to urge Congress to create a plan before a default occurs in early August.

Senator Mitch McConnell (KY) and Senator Harry Reid (NV) are working together to outline a plan that would give President Obama authority over the debt ceiling but would also demand its incremental increase.

Bills Introduced:

All Children Are Equal Act (ACE)

Rep. Glenn Thompson (PA) introduced H.R. 2485, the All Children Are Equal Act, to increase Title I funding through ESEA for rural districts with high numbers of low-income families. Currently, Title I funds are distributed through a complicated formula based on the size and concentration of poverty in a district. The formula often results in large, urban districts receiving much larger shares of funding than poor, rural districts. Thompson’s bill would place less weight on population to increase the formula’s focus on student poverty. The bill aims to provide more equitable distribution of funds for disadvantaged students in rural areas.

Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011

Rep. Jeff Miller (FL) introduced H.R. 2433, the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act, a bill to provide retraining assistance for veterans through community college or technical schools. The bill would require attendees to participate in a full-time program leading to an associates degree or certificate and a job in a high-demand field.

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Register for “Already at the Top: CTE Programs Show Positive Impact on Student Achievement” NASDCTEc Webinar

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Register now for the NASDCTEc webinar Already At the Top: CTE Programs Show Positive Impact on Student Achievement

When: Friday, May 28, 2010 3 PM-4 PM Eastern time.   Event number: 205 969 218      Register for this webinar at:

A string of changes in global competition, demographics, as well as our collective conscience, require we ensure that every student in the United States is prepared for success. Hence, education systems are aiming to address these changes through school improvement efforts. At the federal level, the Obama Administration is incentivizing sweeping changes in four specific areas through its Race to the Top Fund. While a large-scale reform movement is still in its infancy, potential program and school models can be found in career technical education (CTE), which has led school improvement strategies linked to student achievement in rural, urban and suburban areas. This webinar expands on a NASDCTEc three-part issue brief series.

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Meeting with Senate Democratic Outreach Committee on Rural Issues

Friday, February 5th, 2010

Lincoln-portrait-2007-sized_1Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) is chair of the Senator Democratic Leadership’s Outreach Committee on Rural Issues. NASDCTEc was one of twelve organizations invited to the U.S. Capitol to meet with the Committee to discuss ways to help rural communities meet their economic and workforce needs. Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Roland Burris (D-IL), Jon Tester (D-MT), Ben Nelson (D-NE) were also in attendance.

Attendees at yesterday’s meeting discussed the critical importance of ensuring broadband access to rural communities to not only deliver distance education but also to allow individuals to work from home. Other topics of discussion included sector strategies and the role of community colleges in promoting rural economic development.

CTE has always played a strong role in rural America. According to NCES, about 43.5% of CTE is delivered in rural settings.  I shared the story of Mosquero, a very rural high school in New Mexico. On average the graduating class is just four students. Four! So you can imagine what a challenge it is to provide robust options and opportunities for students.  But Mosquero is doing just that!

With the support of a Microsoft Partners In Learning Grant, Mosquero has been able to implement an innovative program that gives the students exposure to a broad array of careers, empowers them with leadership skills, provides dual enrollment classes via distance education and fulfills important community needs. By using the Arts, A/V, Communications Career Cluster model as a framework, this community is developing talented entrepreneurs who know how to run a business, manage a budget, make persuasive presentations to a Board, and hire and manage staff.  What these students have been exposed to and are able to do by the end of their high school experience rivals what most college graduates do even in the first years of employment!

Growing your own is a longstanding  motto of rural America. Mosquero is investing in its youth and its future. Through the use of technology, community engagement, and innovative leadership, these students will be well-prepared for the 21st century workplace – no matter where that may be .

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