Posts Tagged ‘teachers’

Legislative Update: Budget, Jobs Hearing, ESEA, Fast Track to College Act

Friday, January 28th, 2011

House Republicans Set Budget Levels for FY11

This week the House passed House Resolution 38, which directs Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (WI) to issue budget allocations for FY 11 non-security discretionary spending at FY 08 levels or lower. The House approved the resolution by a vote of 256-165, with all Republicans and 17 Democrats voting for it. Allocations at FY08 levels would mean a 13.6 percent cut in federal programs across the board, and would result in a $9.42 billion reduction in spending for education programs from the current funding level.

Chairman Ryan is slated to provide the House Appropriations Committee with figures the week of February 7  that they can use to prepare a continuing resolution (CR). House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) wants a vote on the CR the week of February 14 before the current CR expires in March. President Obama is also scheduled to release his FY12 budget the week of February 14.

House Holds Hearing on American Workforce

The House Education and Workforce Committee held its first hearing of the 112th Congress this week, State of the American Workforce, which focused on the current state of the U.S. workforce and strategies to encourage the private sector to hire new workers. In his testimony, Gov. Bob McDonnell (VA) spoke about his state’s goal to graduate an additional 100,000 postsecondary students, especially in high demand STEM fields. During questioning, Rep. Bobby Scott (VA) asked if “vocational education opportunities” would be part of this plan, and McDonnell stated that two-year certificates and Associate degrees will help individuals obtain well paying jobs.

Administration and Senate Vow to Work Together on ESEA This Year

On a call with media this week Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, along with the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s chairman Sen. Tom Harkin (IA), ranking member Sen. Mike Enzi (WY), and Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN), the ranking member of the subcommittee overseeing K-12 policy, said that they intend to move quickly and in a bipartisan manner on a bill to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Some areas of agreement included: changing the AYP system, focusing on the lowest performing schools, advancing teacher evaluation systems, and disaggregating data by subgroups.

Harkin stated that he would like to have a bill ready for mark up by the Easter recess, and on the floor by the summer. He said the committee is going begin writing the legislation, without further hearings (the committee held 10 hearings last year).

Fast Track to College Act

This week Herb Kohl (WI) introduced S. 154, Fast Track to College Act, which would authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants to support early college high schools and other dual enrollment programs in an effort to reduce high school dropout rates and improve access to college for students.

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CR Clarifies Definition of Highly Qualified Teacher

Monday, December 20th, 2010

The continuing resolution (CR) introduced by the Senate (summary here), which would fund the government through March 4, 2011, includes a definition of “highly qualified teacher” that would make it easier for alternatively certified teachers to become “highly qualified under the No Child Left Behind law. While this language has been in regulation since 2002, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit struck down the regulation in September, saying that it went too far. The U.S. Department of Education regulation allows uncertified candidates in alternative-route programs to teach for up to three years while they seek certification. If passed, the CR would supersede the Circuit Court’s decision.

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A Look Inside: A Synopsis of CTE Trends

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Earlier this fall, NASDCTEc hosted a webinar highlighting the recent trends seen in CTE governance, teacher shortages, funding and Career Clusters implementation, based on results collected and analyzed from the 2010 State Profile Survey. We are now happy to announce the release of A Look Inside: A Synopsis of CTE Trends, a four-part series analyzing state CTE data and initiatives:

Each section within the series provides a closer look and a better understanding of the structure and trends within CTE. While states are grappling with how to plan for the future in this uncertain economic climate, this series can help provide insights into the movement of CTE throughout the United States.

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Home Builders Institute Shares Certification Protocols for Instructors and Students at NASDCTEc Fall Meeting

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Today’s Fall Meeting Sponsor is the Home Builders Institute, who has exciting news about certifications for our members and attendees.

The Home Builders Institute (HBI) is excited about its certification protocols for instructors and students. HBI has partnered with The Ohio State University for the instructor online certification course and with the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) for student certification through online testing.

Instructor Certification: HBI offers instructor industry certification to ensure consistency in instructor teaching/training methodologies and knowledge competency when teaching to the NAHB skill standards contained throughout the Residential Construction Academy Series curriculum.

Student Certification: Student certification will be administered through NOCTI in specific trade areas. All tests are based on industry standards as are the materials contained in the Residential Construction Academy Series. Certification is available for secondary, postsecondary and industry levels. Testing is offered at three proficiency levels, entry, semi-skilled and skilled.

For more information, contact C. Deanna Lewis, who is at the fall meeting. Please stop by her display table too!

Deanna is the Director for Career & Certification Services certification.

E-mail: [email protected]

By admin in Advance CTE Announcements, Meetings and Events
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Department of Education Launches TEACH Campaign

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Over the course of the next 10 years, America will need to fill as many as 1.8 million teaching positions. The Department of Education projects that up to a quarter of current teachers will leave the profession in the next few years, many due to retirement. In an effort to fill these positions, the Department of Education has announced the TEACH Campaign – a recruitment campaign aimed at increasing the number, quality and diversity of people seeking to become teachers, and to raise the profile of the teaching profession. As part of this campaign, the Department has also unveiled a new website,, which they describe as “a revolutionary new website dedicated to providing information, testimonials, and resources for students and prospective teachers – including a new interactive ‘path to teaching’ tool designed to help individuals chart their course to becoming a teacher.”

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CCSSO Accepting Public Comments for Model Core Teaching Standards

Friday, September 24th, 2010

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) recently released new core teaching standards that “outline what teachers should know and be able to do to help all students reach the goal of being college and career ready in today’s world.” CCSSO is inviting the education community and the public at large to submit comments until October 15, 2010.

To review the document, please go to You can submit your comments through a survey, here: We encourage you to distribute the standards and the survey to the networks of educators and teacher preparation programs in your state.

If your state is interested in hosting a focus group to provide input on the standards, please contact Kathleen Paliokas, at CCSSO by email at [email protected].

By admin in News, Public Policy
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Ten Race to the Top Winners Announced

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Today Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the round two winners of the $3.4 billion in Race to the Top grants.  These winners are:

  1. Florida
  2. Georgia
  3. Hawaii
  4. Massachusetts
  5. Maryland
  6. New York
  7. North Carolina
  8. Ohio
  9. Rhode Island
  10. Washington, D.C.

The 10 winning States have adopted rigorous common, college- and career-ready standards in reading and math, created pipelines and incentives to put the most effective teachers in high-need schools, and have alternative pathways to teacher and principal certification.

There was no immediate word on how much money each winner will receive, but awards will be based on States’ student population. In the first round of grants, Delaware was awarded $100 million and Tennessee received $500 million. In a statement, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said that this round of finalists was very competitive and that the Department hopes to have a round three of grants, using $1.35 billion requested in the President’s FY11 budget.

By admin in News, Public Policy
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Education Jobs Fund Applications Available Now

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

The Department of Education is now accepting applications from State governors for funding under the Education Jobs program, which provides $10 billion in assistance to States to save or create education jobs for the 2010-2011 school year. Jobs funded under this program include those that provide educational and related services for early childhood, elementary, and secondary education.

The Education Jobs Fund requires that school districts use the funds to pay the salaries and benefits of teachers, school administrators, and other essential staff. The funds can be used to recall or rehire former employees, retain existing employees, and hire new employees to ensure that students receive vital educational and related services. These funds may not be used for general administrative expenses, overhead, or other support services by school districts.

The deadline to submit the application is September 9, 2010. The Department anticipates awarding funds within two weeks of submission of applications. You may submit comments or questions about the program to [email protected].

By admin in Public Policy
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DQC Webinar on Data Sharing Between SEAs and Teacher Preparation Programs

Monday, August 16th, 2010

The Data Quality Campaign (DQC), along with groups such as the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the Council of Chief State School Officers, and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, have created a template to guide discussions by states and teacher preparation programs around how data can be collected, analyzed, shared and used to improve the preparation of teachers and the ultimate increase in stDQC logoudent achievement. On August 24th at 1 p.m. ET the Data Quality Campaign will host a webinar, “Leveraging State Longitudinal Data Systems To Inform Teacher Preparation and Continuous Improvement,” where they will introduce the template and hear from states that have begun developing data partnerships with teacher preparation programs. You may register for the webinar here.

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Education Jobs Fund Passes House, Goes to President for Signature

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

After being called back to Washington by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA), today the House voted 247-161 to pass a bill containing the $10 billion Education Jobs Fund. As we told you last week, the Senate has already passed the bill in their chamber, so the bill now heads to the White House for President Obama’s signature.The President and his Administration has lobbied in recent weeks for funding to save teachers’ jobs. At a press conference this morning, the President said, “[T]oday we’re trying to pass a law that will save hundreds of thousands of additional jobs in the coming year… If we do nothing, these educators won’t be returning to the classroom this fall. And that won’t just deprive them of a paycheck, it will deprive the children and parents who are counting on them to provide a decent education.”

This money would aid states and school districts in avoiding teacher layoffs and hiring new staff. The Department of Education is estimating that the fund will save 161,000 educator jobs. For a state-by-state projection of how much money could be distributed and how many jobs could be saved, go here.

By admin in Legislation
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