Posts Tagged ‘Oracle Academy’

Advance CTE 2023 Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: Platinum Sponsor, Oracle – Oracle Academy’s Commitment to CTE Learner Success

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

As Oracle’s global philanthropic educational program (FREE), Oracle Academy is open to educators around the world to advance technology education, skills, innovation, diversity and inclusion. We offer academic institutions and their educators free teaching and learning resources ― including curriculum, cloud, software and educator professional development ― that help prepare millions of learners with hands-on practice and career-relevant skills.

In my role as Sr. Regional Director for North America, I have the opportunity to speak with education leaders at all levels ― learning, sharing ideas, celebrating successes and understanding challenges. In return, I share information on Oracle Academy learning resources that can be utilized to help elevate Career Technical Education (CTE) learner success and overcome those challenges.

For the last 25 years, Oracle Academy has provided teaching resources as a means to continue the good work of preparing learners with relevant industry skills. Below is a synopsis of a few new resources and tools that are available to current educators:

As Oracle Academy, we understand and value CTE state leaders as partners and welcome the opportunity to collaborate by developing a statewide Oracle Academy membership agreement as a means to support both sustainable and scalable CTE programs. In North America, we also can engage directly with K12 school districts to create Oracle Academy membership agreements to offer teaching and learning resources to support CTE learner success.

Learn more at

Denise Hobbs
Senior Regional Director, Oracle Academy North America
[email protected]

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Fall Meeting
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CTE: Learning that Works

Monday, October 18th, 2021

Submitted by Denise Hobbs, Oracle Academy, 2021 Fall Meeting Sponsor

In my role, I have the opportunity to speak with education leaders at all levels―learning, sharing ideas, celebrating successes and understanding their challenges. I never miss the chance to highlight why I believe that Career Technical Education (CTE) is so important.

CTE ignites imagination through clear learning pathways. CTE learning pathways lead learners to college and career success. Many of these pathways include industry certifications and apprenticeship/internships, and all start with career exploration within that pathway and igniting learners’ imaginations. Oracle Academy is Oracle’s global, philanthropic, award-winning educational program, which operates with the goal of advancing computing education to increase knowledge, innovation, skills development, and diversity in technology fields. Oracle Academy partners with institutions to create computing education pathways, train teachers, cultivate critical thinking, and bring creative, academic computing technology curriculum into classrooms. Oracle’s leadership in emerging technologies and cloud technologies spurs Oracle Academy’s innovation-focused curriculum, resources and events so that each learner has a holistic view of careers in technology.   

CTE is for ALL learners. As we know, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act is critical to ensuring that quality and sustainable CTE programs meet the changing needs of learners and employers. CTE offers unique opportunities for career discovery and skills development aligned to learning pathways. Oracle Academy supports diversity in technology and actively works to increase the participation of all students in computing, including women and other under-represented groups. With Oracle Academy, all learners have equal opportunity to attain hands-on experience with the latest technologies, helping them gain industry-relevant knowledge and skills in topics including cloud technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and more.









Free resources help educators and their students teach and learn computing. Oracle Academy understands and values educators as partners who are empowered to facilitate innovative student learning in and outside the classroom. We offer educators and their students FREE resources to teach and learn computing, including curriculum, software, and certifications.

Learn more at

Denise Hobbs
Senior Director, Oracle Academy North America
[email protected]

By admin in Advance CTE Fall Meeting, Resources
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Why #ISupportCTE

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

This post is written by Oracle Academy, a Platinum Level sponsor of the 2019 Advance CTE Spring Meeting.

As the North America Oracle Academy Regional Director, I have the opportunity to talk with education leaders at the national, state, K12 district, school site, and post-secondary level―learning, sharing ideas, celebrating successes, and understanding the challenges these leaders face each day. In February, a campaign initiative to support Career Technical Education asked individuals from all over the nation to take and post a selfie with a sign saying  “#ISupportCTE because,” on it. While I personally try to avoid selfies at all costs, I never miss an opportunity to highlight why believing in CTE is so important! For instance:

#ISupportCTE because: CTE ignites the imagination of learners through learning pathways. CTE Learning Pathways have the opportunity to lead our students to college and then on to career success. Many of these pathways include applicable industry certifications and apprenticeship/internships, but all of them start with helping the student understand the career opportunities available within that pathway. Students have the opportunity to think about whether a pathway is of interest, essentially igniting their imagination about the future. Oracle Academy partners with secondary and post-secondary schools to create computing education pathways, train teachers, cultivate critical thinking and bring creative, academic computing technology curriculum into classrooms. Oracle’s leadership in emerging technologies and next-generation cloud developments spur Oracle Academy’s innovation-focused curriculum, resources, and events so that students have a holistic view of careers associated with computing technology pathways.

#ISupportCTE because: CTE is for ALL learners, not just a select few. As we all know, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act is critical to ensuring that sustainable, high-quality CTE programs meet the changing needs of learners and employers. This act works to improve the academic and technical achievement of ALL students who wish to engage in career technical education pathways, while strengthening the bridge between secondary and post-secondary, and balancing student needs with that of a new economy.  As parents, educators, and leaders, it’s our duty to encourage ALL students to engage in CTE as a unique opportunity for career discovery and skill development aligned to an industry-relevant learning pathway. Oracle Academy supports diversity in technology and actively works to increase the participation of all students in computing, including girls, women and other under-represented groups, by creating materials and programs that make computing accessible and engaging for everyone. With Oracle Academy, students receive hands-on experience with the latest technologies, helping make them college and career ready in the era of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, the Internet of Things, and beyond.

Oracle Academy is Oracle’s global, philanthropic, award-winning educational program, with the goal of advancing computing education around the world to increase knowledge, innovation, skills development, and diversity in technology fields. Oracle Academy offers educators and their students FREE resources to teach and learn computing technology. This includes student-facing curriculum, learning and certification resources.

Oracle Academy understands and values educators as partners who are empowered to facilitate innovative student learning in and out of the classroom.

By admin in Advance CTE Spring Meeting


