Posts Tagged ‘Industry Certifications’

2024 Fall Meeting Diamond Sponsor: Certiport

Friday, October 18th, 2024

In a world where competition for jobs, pay increases, and academic success continues to increase, certifications offer hope because they are a credible, third-party assessment of a candidate’s skill and knowledge for a given subject. To empower learners with these credentials to succeed, school districts across Illinois partnered with Certiport, helping bring industry-recognized certifications to schools and learners in their communities. Discover how this impacted students and employers in their respective areas.

Why certification?

Illinois’ Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are focused on preparing learners for careers in high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations. Certiport’s certification programs are preparing students for prosperous careers across the state, from rural areas such as Flora, to urban destinations like Chicago.

“In Chicago Public Schools, we are placing high emphasis on teaching in the classroom that have high quality post-secondary outcomes,” said Chandler Meyer-Brown, Director of Career and Technical Education for Chicago Public Schools. “We know that teaching and certifying students has a long-term impact on student success.”

To set learners up for success, districts across Illinois leverage several certifications from the Certiport portfolio, including:

By selecting a diverse portfolio of certifications, Illinois educators are preparing students to enter the workforce, with doors open to multiple industries. “For many years now we’ve known that students need a variety of credentials when they want to prepare for going into the workforce. Certainly, industry certifications have become an increasingly important building block for our students’ success,” said Anne Cothran, Director of Education for Employment System of the Moraine Area Career System.

How were Certiport’s certifications implemented?

Illinois schools and career centers customized the delivery of the certifications based on their learners’ needs, leveraging Certiport’s “full pathway” resources. This means that schools not only have certifications for their learners but also curriculum and practice tests to make sure all learners are prepared for testing. Each district, school, and educator can decide which resources work best for them and their learners.

Community High School District 218 decided on a pilot program, where educators first tested the curriculum and certifications before offering them to their learners. Each teacher then offered the certification to a handful of learners. “All nine students in the pilot program got certified,” said Frank Lamantia, Curriculum Director for CTE in Community High School District 218. “Seeing that 100% pass rate in the pilot was all the evidence we needed to move forward.”

Illinois educators and district representatives like Frank selected learning products and practice tests to prepare students for their actual certifications. “Certiport provides various resources, like CertPREP and other online teaching resources, that are so helpful for students. We want to make sure they understand what to expect on the certification exams,” said Mohammed Ikramullah, IT teacher at Mather High School.

What was the impact?

Integrating certification in Illinois schools has significantly impacted learners and communities. “Certifications allow my students to leave with something tangible that they can take into the workforce,” commented Robert Lee, a teacher in Chicago Public Schools. Learners across Illinois also shared the impact their certifications have had on their education and job opportunities.

Illinois schools are shaping futures and preparing learners with industry-recognized skills for success — using certifications to open doors and unlock possibilities that were previously unattainable.

Start empowering learners through Certiport certifications. Certiport offers an array of programs that can benefit IT, business, design, hospitality and culinary arts, health sciences, and agriscience educators. Get started today by visiting

By Hannah Crepeau, Content Manager at Certiport, a Pearson VUE Business. Email questions to [email protected].

The views, opinions, services, and products shared in this post are solely for educational purposes and do not imply agreement or endorsement by Advance CTE, nor discrimination against similar brands, products, or services not mentioned.

By Layla Alagic in Meetings and Events
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Three Top Reasons to Consider a CTE-Specific Data Management Solution | 2024 Fall Meeting Diamond Sponsor: iCEV

Thursday, October 17th, 2024

Tracking and analyzing data are key to any successful Career Technical Education (CTE) program. CTE leaders use everything from pen and paper to full-scale data management systems to record this essential information. 

Yet even if you already have a system in place to track program performance, you should consider a solution designed specifically for CTE programs. 

Below, we’ll take a closer look at three types of data tracked by a CTE-specific data management solution.

1) Industry Certifications 

Industry certifications help prove the success of a CTE program. Certification earners prove they have industry-specific knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the workforce.  

CTE programs look to demonstrate success through certifications and align courses to a specific credential to certify as many learners as possible.  

It can be difficult to keep track of pass rates, demographics, and other crucial certification metrics. A CTE-specific solution tracks all this information so programs can make informed decisions about future certification goals. 

2) Career and Technical Student Organizations 

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) offer learners opportunities to showcase skills, connect with peers, and pursue professional opportunities. Being part of a local chapter often leads to future success, but most data solutions don’t easily track these valuable experiences.  

With a CTE-specific solution, you can track CTSO involvement and see how it correlates with higher completer rates and enhanced student engagement. 

3) Work-Based Learning 

Traditional data management solutions rarely account for work-based learning (WBL) opportunities such as internships and field experiences. Because these opportunities are numerous and varied, it’s often difficult for programs to track WBL experiences.  

However, a comprehensive data management system will track each student’s WBL hours, skills, and experiences. Collecting this information shows the value of industry partnerships and can lead to increased funding. 

Discover CTE-Specific Data Management and Reporting  

Tracking and reporting essential data helps CTE leaders follow regulations, access valuable funding, and prove the success of their programs.  

Without a CTE-specific data management system, it can be difficult to demonstrate the full picture of what your program accomplishes. But with Eduthings, you get a custom solution to accurately track all your data, making reporting and analysis simple. 

Visit the iCEV booth during the Advance CTE Fall Conference to learn how Eduthings can be your CTE command center to shape tomorrow’s CTE. 

The views, opinions, services, and products shared in this post are solely for educational purposes and do not imply agreement or endorsement by Advance CTE, nor discrimination against similar brands, products, or services not mentioned.

By Layla Alagic in Meetings and Events
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Navigating Success: The Importance of Recognizing CTE Talent | 2024 Fall Meeting Gold Sponsor: NOCTI

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Career Technical Education (CTE) systems are filled with proud moments of learner achievement, from graduation ceremonies to competitions and certifications. Research consistently shows that these recognition opportunities have positive impacts, increasing knowledge and engagement in learning. At NOCTI/Nocti Business Solutions (NBS), we believe in recognizing talent across all CTE stakeholder groups, including education professionals. These professionals include teachers, administrators, work-based learning coordinators, and data professionals—roles that are important to the success of CTE systems. Let’s explore the unique certification opportunities designed specifically for CTE professionals and why they are essential for navigating the seas of career success 

Charting a Course for CTE Excellence 

For over 56 years, NOCTI has been the trusted compass for measuring what matters in CTE. We are excited to offer a suite of national certifications developed in partnership with subject matter experts: 

Each certification is available at two levels, reflecting the pivotal roles these professionals play in a thriving CTE system. 

Pedagogy and Polish. The Principles of CTE Teaching certification provides a roadmap of fundamental knowledge and skills needed to facilitate technical learning. It covers classic teaching pedagogy and addresses unique aspects of CTE environments, such as safety protocols and integrating Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), and is designed for those interested in teaching in career and technical education fields as a profession.  

Leading with Perspective. School administrators play multifaceted roles in shaping the culture and identity of CTE programs. The Principles of CTE Administration certification is designed with an understanding of leading career technical teaching and learning while promoting CTE in the broader workforce development community. 

Planning, Designing, Coordinating. The Principles of Work-Based Learning certification offers educators an opportunity to highlight their knowledge of coordinating school, program, and community systems. This certification, aimed to support educators interested in a work-based learning coordinator role, can support career advancement and introduce educators to various stakeholders.  

Noticing the Numbers. NOCTI’s Principles of Working with CTE Data certification recognizes the unique role of data professionals in schools, districts, and state systems. It highlights the depth of knowledge required in data utilization, protection protocols, governance, and management frameworks and can provide these professionals with an opportunity to showcase their unique data-related expertise.  

Benefits of Professional Certifications 

Pursuing professional certifications offers numerous advantages: 

Last spring, I had an opportunity to witness a group of data professionals preparing for Principles of Working with CTE Data credential. There was an air of nervousness and pride as they readied themselves for the process. Once finished, the buzz in the air was palpable. The typical talk among data talents about tools, the latest security issues, and systems challenges, was overrun with chatter about how much they learned from their testing experience, how good it felt to strive for the credential, and how excited they were to receive their results.   

Navigating “C-worthy” Opportunities 

Just as skilled navigators chart courses through vast oceans, CTE professionals can use certifications to plot their career trajectories. NOCTI’s Education Professional certifications provide an opportunity for CTE educators to demonstrate expertise and build credibility. These certifications support learners in moving into new areas of work or acquiring new skills. By validating their abilities against industry-based standards, these certifications boost professional confidence. Moreover, pursuing certifications demonstrates a commitment to self-improvement and industry standards. 

In addition to individual benefits, NOCTI’s Education Professional certifications can support state-level professional preparation systems. As a national benchmark tool, the certifications can support accreditation programs, provide direction for mentoring programs via a pre- and post-test approach, and be a source of data to inform professional development efforts, both at the institutional and state levels.  Data from implementation over multiple cohorts can also inform professional program effectiveness and improvements.  

Sailing Towards Excellence 

For the NOCTI/NBS team, developing and offering Education Professional certifications is a mission-driven effort. We recognize the uniqueness of CTE and the dedicated professionals who serve in these systems. By creating avenues to support the growth, advancement, and recognition of CTE professionals, we help elevate the quality of CTE for more learners. Each of our four certifications is designed to reflect professional knowledge through a CTE lens. The benefits and positive opportunities that come from pursuing these professional certifications are grounded in the experiences of the outstanding educators we have had the privilege to support on their “C-worthy” journeys. Embark on your certification journey today and set sail toward new horizons of professional excellence in CTE! 

We are proud to be a long-standing sponsor of Advance CTE. Be sure to visit our table at 2024 Fall Meeting–we would love to connect with you and explore the certification opportunities NOCTI/NBS has to offer!  

Kathleen McNally, CEO, NOCTI/NBS  

The views, opinions, services, and products shared in this post are solely for educational purposes and do not imply agreement or endorsement by Advance CTE, nor discrimination against similar brands, products, or services not mentioned.

By Layla Alagic in Meetings and Events
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Advance CTE 2024 Spring Meeting Sponsor Blog – Diamond Sponsor YouScience | YouScience leads the way in aptitude-enabled education

Friday, April 19th, 2024

The views, opinions, services and products shared in this post are solely for educational purposes and do not imply agreement or endorsement by Advance CTE, nor discrimination against similar brands, products or services not mentioned.

In the constantly evolving education landscape, YouScience® is revolutionizing how students discover their best-fit postsecondary education and career pathways with YouScience® Brightpath and aptitude-enabled education.

Brightpath is the only aptitude-based guidance platform that leverages data and artificial intelligence to help individuals identify their aptitudes, validate their skills, and get matched with educational and career pathways.

Brightpath is used in all 50 states and is offered as a state-wide contract in several. Here are five reasons educators and state CTE leaders should evaluate Brightpath:

Aptitudes: The key to unlocking potential

Aptitudes are an individual’s natural ability to learn or perform skills regardless of environment. Knowing aptitudes is one of the most powerful accelerators to help empower individuals to leverage their natural gifts and find success. They expand a student’s understanding of what’s possible beyond what they know and have been exposed to. By understanding their aptitudes, students gain invaluable insight into the paths that align with their interests and abilities.

How does Brightpath work? Students engage with a series of timed brain game exercises that are designed to reveal their aptitudes and interests while also identifying careers and educational opportunities that align with both.

Why interest-only career guidance falls short

Interests are self-reported activities someone wants to know or learn about. While interests are important, for career guidance they are limiting and have proven to reinforce biases and stereotypes because having an interest in a particular career relies heavily on a student’s direct exposure to that particular career field.

Collaborative planning: Empowering students for success

Empowering students goes beyond individual assessments; it involves collaborative planning among families, educators, and counselors. Together, they guide students in applying their aptitude knowledge to course planning, participation in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, and obtaining industry-recognized certifications. With this support system in place, students can confidently navigate the workforce transition or pursue postsecondary education tailored to their aptitudes and interests.

Interdisciplinary education: Creating personalized pathways

Interdisciplinary education takes aptitude-enabled learning to new heights by fostering collaboration among schools and districts. By viewing education through the lens of relevant Career Clusters, educators can create personalized pathways and integrated programs. This holistic approach not only enhances students’ academic experiences but also prepares them for the demands of the modern workforce.

YouScience: Leading the charge

The comprehensive Brightpath platform empowers students to discover their aptitudes and interests and provides them with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their future. By integrating collaborative planning and interdisciplinary education, YouScience ensures that students are well-prepared to embark on their chosen pathways with confidence through aptitude-enabled education.

To learn more about Brightpath, visit

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Spring Meeting
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Advance CTE 2024 Spring Meeting Sponsor Blog – Gold Sponsor NOCTI | Why CTE Leaders Should Care About Assessment: Three Compelling Benefits to Learners and State Teams

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

The views, opinions, services and products shared in this post are solely for educational purposes and do not imply agreement or endorsement by Advance CTE, nor discrimination against similar brands, products or services not mentioned.

In the ever-evolving landscape of workforce education and the development of tomorrow’s workforce, high-quality Career Technical Education (CTE) programs and prepared graduates remain indispensable. Positioned to enrich the nation’s workforce pipeline with highly skilled individuals, CTE systems are essential contributors to economic growth.

State CTE leaders set direction, make decisions aligned to their mission, and create value for learners and employers.  There is a unique opportunity to establish benchmarks for defining high-quality CTE systems and that involves a continuous commitment to assessing inputs and outputs, recognizing assessment’s role in ensuring quality outcomes.

For over 55 years, NOCTI/Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) has been dedicated to CTE by developing reliable processes, resources, and research support to strengthen the role of assessments in CTE programs. This commitment highlights the significance of third-party skills verification as a fundamental practice in high-quality CTE systems. Utilizing data-driven quality assessment promotes continuous improvement and boosts leaders’ confidence.

Here are three benefits of implementing quality assessment practices to propel CTE programs forward and assist CTE leaders in contributing economic value across their states.

Benefit #1: Gain confidence in preparing learners for workplace readiness.

State CTE leaders utilize data as feedback to continuously improve systems, celebrate high-quality programs, and target areas for improvement. For example, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) utilizes NOCTI/NBS assessments and data for various purposes, including program evaluation, curriculum alignment, instructional improvement, professional development, and accountability. Learners meeting state-established benchmarks are eligible for the Pennsylvania Skills Certificate (PSC), recognizing individual advanced technical skill achievement.

Benefit #2: Engage industry partners through authentic approaches.

High-quality CTE systems involve business/industry partners in verifying skills, ensuring learner assessments accurately reflect expertise. This practice not only benefits learners but also provides industry employees with an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to CTE schools and programs. As one evaluator recently summarized, “I am always willing to set time aside to work with these learners and programs, as this is the future of my industry–one that I care about and want to impact.”

Benefit #3: Recognize CTE learners in ways that honor skill development.

Recognition of learning progress motivates learners, contributing to their confidence and expertise. NOCTI/NBS certifications offer third-party validated credentials aligned with industry standards. CTE teachers receive affirmation of their instructional impact on learners, validating program quality across various learning contexts. Continuous improvement and collaboration with industry partners enable CTE leaders to create meaningful opportunities for learners to thrive in their chosen fields.

CTE programs shape the future workforce, providing essential skills for success. Implementing NOCTI/NBS assessments ensures learners are prepared for workforce demands and their accomplishments are recognized. Contact NOCTI/NBS to learn more about national certifications and options to integrate NOCTI/NBS products and services into CTE state assessment systems. Join our Subject Matter Expert network! 

Kathleen McNally, NOCTI/NBS CEO

[email protected]

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Spring Meeting
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Advance CTE 2023 Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: Diamond Sponsor, Lincoln Electric – Bridge the Gap Between Education and Industry for the Future Workforce

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

The need for skilled trade workers continues to be in critical demand and industries across the globe are scrambling to find ways to quickly and effectively fill these jobs. The welding industry is no stranger to these challenges. According to the American Welding Society, 360,000 welders are projected to be needed by 2027 with 90,000 needed annually ( 

How do we continue progress in this country without the skilled tradespeople to do the job? It is ever more imperative that industry leaders and business owners need to work collaboratively with education institutions to ensure the training learners receive is in step with what the industry needs.  While there are many paths to filling these jobs, from providing on-the-job training, upskilling current workers or adding automation to the production line, communication between Education facilities and industry must be ongoing to respond to constantly changing needs.

But where to start? How do we bring industry leaders and educators together to work collaboratively to develop a comprehensive training program and get the right skilled workers out into the workforce?  

Since 1917, Lincoln Electric has been instrumental in the development of welding education and training. Over the years our team has grown with the same mission to advance education, training and awareness of the need for skilled welders. With our strong industry partner relationships and a team of education curriculum and training professionals, we developed the Lincoln Electric Education Partner Schools (LEEPS) welding program with the emphasis to build the bridge between industry and educators as well as create meaningful curriculum that will support the continuously changing workforce needs.  

When state Career Technical Education (CTE) leaders include the LEEPS certification program on their industry-recognized credentials list (IRC) for secondary, post-secondary and/or workforce development lists, it allows the schools in that state to receive funding for every learner who earns an IRC certification. In Ohio, 20 organizations have LEEPS certifications on their IRC list. One school, Utica Shale Academy has certified 234 students in 2022 alone, which has helped offset expenses for the year.

In partnership with the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3), the LEEPS welding certification program provides curriculum and learning management resources for learners and welders to earn standard-based certifications.  These certifications are portable and stackable, which means welders can build their own skill base for specific job requirements by combining the skills and certifications they need for immediate employment. The LEEPS program creates standardization with the Train-the-Trainer program. All instructors receive the same training, tests, grading rubrics, and curriculum materials to earn certification in a welding class or process. Instructors then take that training back to their school and are now able to certify their learners. This in turn ensures that the training is consistent across the country and provides reliable, standardized certifications to employers they recognize when looking for prospective job applicants. The importance of standardized certifications also allows job applicants the flexibility to move across a specific industry or into a new one for employment across the country.  

The LEEPS program offers a way to integrate certifications into an existing education institute with ease. It combines traditional in-the-booth training along with virtual welding training meant to introduce and reinforce skills needed in the booth. As the industry changes, the needs of curriculum and certification change as well. The program adapts to the needs of the industry annually and works to provide the latest curriculum and certification to meet the needs of the industry.   

We are in a race against time to fill critical jobs in the skilled trades. As industry looks for innovative ways to fill jobs, education facilities have to expand their commitment to support them.  Integrating programs like LEEPS with CTE at the local and state levels, expanding course offerings in automation and integrating virtual and other technologies into their program will not only help accelerate the training to get workers in the field but also ensure the training they receive meets industry standards and needs.  

For more information about our education programs, please visit the Education Section of our website

Victoria Valore, Marketing Manager, Education, Solutions, and Applications, Lincoln Electric

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Fall Meeting
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Advance CTE 2023 Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: Diamond Sponsor, Certiport – Earn College Credits with Industry Certifications

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023

When learners earn an industry certification, they’re not just earning a credential for their resume. They’re also potentially saving money on higher education. It’s no secret that pursuing higher education in the United States comes at a high cost to learners. According to, the average federal student loan debt is $36,510 per borrower, and students with private student loans have debt averaging $54,921 per borrower. Any chance learners can get to earn college credit while in high school is a great move. That’s where ACE CREDIT comes in.

Career Technical Education (CTE) programs across the country are embedding industry-recognized credentials in their programs of study as a measure of program quality and to ensure that learning is validated, recognized, and portable. Certiport offers exams for a number of commonly state-approved certifications. In addition to providing state and local leaders with valuable information about program quality, our exams provide the added learner benefit of conferring ACE credit.


Founded in 1918, the American Council on Education (ACE) is the major coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents and more than 200 related associations nationwide. It provides leadership on key higher education issues and influences public policy through advocacy.

ACE CREDIT connects workplace learning with colleges and universities by helping adults gain access to academic credit at colleges and universities for formal courses and examinations taken in the workplace or other settings outside traditional higher education. For more than 40 years, colleges and universities have trusted ACE CREDIT to provide reliable course equivalency information to facilitate their decisions to award academic credit. And now, learners who pass select Certiport exams can earn this valuable credit as well.

Which Certiport Exams Qualify for ACE CREDIT?

The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE Learning Evaluations®) has evaluated and recommended college credit for multiple Certiport programs, including:

  1. Autodesk Certified User
  2. Adobe Certified Professional
  3. Communication Skills for Business
  4. Entrepreneurship and Small Business
  5. IC3 Digital Literacy
  6. Intuit
  7. IT Specialist
  8. Microsoft Certified Fundamentals
  9. Microsoft Office Specialist

You can find the full list here.

How Do Learners Obtain ACE College Credit?

Certiport’s partnership with ACE’s Transcript Service makes obtaining college credit simple.

First, learners should verify with their university/college admissions office that they grant credit for the specific certification.

Second, learners should send their transcript to their college or university via Credly’s Acclaim platform. Information on transcript services is available in the ACE Student Resource Center.

Interested in having your certified learners earn college credit? You can learn more here.

Hannah Davis, Certiport, a Pearson VUE business

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Fall Meeting
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Advance CTE 2023 Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: Platinum Sponsor, Oracle – Oracle Academy’s Commitment to CTE Learner Success

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

As Oracle’s global philanthropic educational program (FREE), Oracle Academy is open to educators around the world to advance technology education, skills, innovation, diversity and inclusion. We offer academic institutions and their educators free teaching and learning resources ― including curriculum, cloud, software and educator professional development ― that help prepare millions of learners with hands-on practice and career-relevant skills.

In my role as Sr. Regional Director for North America, I have the opportunity to speak with education leaders at all levels ― learning, sharing ideas, celebrating successes and understanding challenges. In return, I share information on Oracle Academy learning resources that can be utilized to help elevate Career Technical Education (CTE) learner success and overcome those challenges.

For the last 25 years, Oracle Academy has provided teaching resources as a means to continue the good work of preparing learners with relevant industry skills. Below is a synopsis of a few new resources and tools that are available to current educators:

As Oracle Academy, we understand and value CTE state leaders as partners and welcome the opportunity to collaborate by developing a statewide Oracle Academy membership agreement as a means to support both sustainable and scalable CTE programs. In North America, we also can engage directly with K12 school districts to create Oracle Academy membership agreements to offer teaching and learning resources to support CTE learner success.

Learn more at

Denise Hobbs
Senior Regional Director, Oracle Academy North America
[email protected]

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Fall Meeting
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Advance CTE Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: Diamond Sponsor, SME Education Foundation – Manufacturing CTE’s Role in Job Creation

Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

In the next decade, job seekers in manufacturing will find plenty of openings. It’s projected that nearly 3.5 million manufacturing jobs will need to be filled in the next 10 years. The challenge, however, is that there aren’t enough qualified workers to fill the positions. An aging workforce, changing technologies and misperceptions about the industry all contribute to the shortage. This has serious consequences for the manufacturing industry, which is overwhelmingly not prepared. In fact, nearly nine out of 10 manufacturers say that their company is having problems finding skilled workers in manufacturing. When it comes to filling this pipeline of manufacturing talent, state Career Technical Education (CTE) leaders play an essential role in developing the next generation. 

It is important for industry and education to partner together to bring industry-relevant knowledge and skills to the classroom. Aside from learners, manufacturers are the most important customers of CTE programs, and programs should be aligned with the skills manufacturers need and want.  

It’s critical to embed manufacturers into the education process to ensure the curriculum and equipment align with their needs, asking questions such as: What is the market need? Which positions need to be filled? Which machines are you using? Which skills do you require? Which type of training programs do you use? Which certifications do you need?

Matching your state’s programs to local industry needs will ensure well-trained learners from your schools are in demand. Moreover, it can also lead to other opportunities like on-site tours, mentoring, equipment donations, internships, jobs, and even funding. 

Organizations like the SME Education Foundation are valuable partners in such a process. The Foundation’s signature program, SME PRIME®, is predicated on partnering private industry with educators to build transformational hands-on manufacturing education experiences.  Informed by private industry, SME PRIME® builds customized manufacturing and engineering programs in high schools across the country, providing equipment, curriculum, teacher training, student scholarships and funding for extra-curricular activities and program sustainability. SME PRIME® is tailored to meet the needs of local manufacturers and is aligned with over 30 industry-recognized certifications. 

In the past few years, the SME Education Foundation has partnered with both the Michigan Department of Education and the Georgia Department of Education to introduce SME PRIME® to dozens of high schools across each state, engaging hundreds of manufacturers in the process. Nationwide, SME PRIME® provides manufacturing and engineering education to more than 10,000 students at 109 schools in 23 states, and 91 percent of graduates pursue manufacturing post-graduation. Visit the SME Prime® webpage to learn more. 

The bottom line is that manufacturers and CTE leaders can move forward together to elevate CTE’s impact for a generation of learners. 

Rob Luce, Vice President, SME Education Foundation 

By Layla Alagic in Advance CTE Fall Meeting
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Advance CTE Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: Gold Sponsor, Lincoln Electric – Industry Certifications: Joining Industry and Education Together

Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

There is a welding skills gap, and that could actually mean a couple different things: It could mean there simply are not enough skilled welders to fill the welding careers available, or it could mean there is a disconnect between the skills employers are looking for and the skills applicants actually have. Either way, this gap existing is a real problem in the welding industry today—for both employers and job-seeking welders. 

If the problem is that trained welders do not have the specific skills employers are looking for, then the solution is to examine welding education and find a way to bridge the gap. Educational institutions communicate with the welding industry to understand which skills their students actually need for today’s jobs. Because the industry is constantly changing, the needed skills are constantly changing—which means that this communication between education and industry must be ongoing.

Because Lincoln Electric is heavily involved in both industry and welding education, communication is constantly maintained between the two to improve curriculum and training as the industry evolves. From this, the Lincoln Electric Education Partner Schools (LEEPS) welding program was created.

The LEEPS welding certification program is a partnership with the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3), which provides curriculum and learning management resources for students and welders to earn standards-based certifications. These certifications are portable and stackable, which means welders can build their own skill base for specific job requirements by combining the skills and certifications they need for immediate employability.

The LEEPS program creates standardization with the train-the-trainer program. All instructors who teach and certify welding students through a partner school have been through the same training, taken the same tests, and used the same curriculum materials. That means employers can see these certifications and know anyone who earned them was taught the same content in the same way and has passed the same weld tests with the same grading rubric. This kind of consistency helps welders to have documented, proven competencies to show employers; and employers know they can expect this consistency from an institution with a standardized process.

Because this program offers a way to integrate certifications into an existing educational institution, it doesn’t limit students or employers to one area. With a traditional welding school, students all train at a single location and are likely to seek jobs in the same general area. With a program like LEEPS, the same quality welding education is available all over the country, so it’s more accessible to students and employers alike. This means employers can find job applicants in their area with the same qualifications as the job seekers in many states across the U.S. Employers can even set up their own internal training with LEEPS to put their welders on the fast track to certification in the specific areas that are needed in their workplace.

There’s a skills gap in the welding industry, but we can set up our welding education programs to help fix it. With standardized, configurable training, today’s welders can complete valuable certifications in a way that’s both convenient and relevant to the available jobs. By joining industry and education in communication, curriculum can be tailored to meet the needs of both welders and employers in today’s job market.

For more information about our education programs, please visit the Education Solutions section of our website.

Sarah Evans, Education Sales and Marketing Manager, Lincoln Electric 

By Stacy Whitehouse in Advance CTE Fall Meeting
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