Posts Tagged ‘dual enrollment’

Senate ESEA Field Hearing: Career and College Readiness in Practice

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Last Thursday the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a field hearing in Columbus, OH at the Metro Early College High School to explore college and career readiness.  Witnesses included:

Crystal Jordan spoke about her experiences as a senior at Metro Early College High School, where students are expected to complete all of their high school requirements and up to 60 hours of college credit in four years. This program has allowed her to explore career fields in STEM and take college courses at no cost which has helped her defray the cost of college and has given her the opportunity to better decide which area of interest she will pursue at The Ohio State University next year.

Steven Jackson explained that Great Oaks offers CTE programs for students in 36 school districts in southwestern Ohio and is one of the largest such districts in the United States. Great Oaks provides students with many opportunities to be prepared for college or a career when they graduate.  Students earn industry credentials and certifications as they complete Great Oaks programs, including practical nursing license, EMT certification, or certification as a professional firefighter, dental assistant, heating and air conditioning technician, welder, or animal care technician. Within a year of graduation, about 92% of graduates are working in their career field, continuing their education, or are in the military. Great Oaks also offers the Gateway to Success program, which is a nationally‐recognized program which helps young adults who have dropped out from their high school earn a high school diploma.

This hearing was a great opportunity for Senators to get out of Washington and see what is happening on the ground, and what works. Hopefully they will take away from this hearing the importance of accelerated learning programs and CTE in preparing students for college and careers.

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Secretary Duncan Discusses ESEA Blueprint Before Congress

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

duncan-arne-sec_-of-ed_-3-09This morning, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan testified before both the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and the House Education and Labor Committee about the Department of Education’s blueprint for reforming the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

The Senate hearing began with Chairman Tom Harkin (IA) stressing the importance of preparing students for both college and careers, and the importance of a well-rounded curriculum. Ranking Member Michael Enzi (WY) took that notion one step further in stating that students must be ready for college and career without the need for remediation, as it is important to the strength of our economy. Secretary Duncan agreed that few other issues speak to the long term prosperity of our nation than education.  Later in the hearing, he stated that all students need some postsecondary education – 4 year, community college, trade school or “vocational” education – to get a good job after high school, but many do not graduate ready for college or a career. To that end, the Administration has set a goal for all students to be college and career ready by 2020.  This goal replaces the previous Administration’s goal of proficiency in math and reading by 2014.

Senator Enzi also highlighted the need for high school reform in ESEA because too many students are dropping out or graduating without the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college or the workplace, suggesting that perhaps career academies could be one vehicle to help add relevancy to students’ learning. Secretary Duncan stated that high school reform is a part of the Department’s ESEA plans and that programs such as dual enrollment will allow students to experience college while in high school.

Duncan also suggested that because of the lack of math and science teachers, ESEA should incentivize individuals to enter these areas by paying these teachers more. He also supported the idea of allowing individuals from industry to use alternative certification to get into the classroom as another way to increase the number of well qualified teachers in these subject areas.

George_Miller_CARepAt the House hearing Chairman George Miller (CA) saw the blueprint as a strong roadmap that Congress can work from to bring about system wide change in elementary and secondary education. Ranking Member John Kline (MN) suggested that for reauthorization Congress should not start from NCLB, but begin with a blank slate, using the blueprint as a jumping off point.

In response to a question from Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (TX) about dropout factories and the impact of middle schools on student achievement in high school, Secretary Duncan stated that both the funding proposal for teachers and leaders and the School Improvement Grants will help students in middle school be better prepared to succeed in high school.

Finally, Rep. Joe Courtney (CT) expressed concern about the impact of competitive funding on state education budgets, particularly in 2011 after the last batch of ARRA funds are distributed coupled with the state budget crises that will not be able to supplement that funding.

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Report: Dual Enrollment, Career Academies among CTE Elements in Path to College and Beyond Explored

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010
Success At Every Step

Success At Every Step

Career Academies, dual enrollment, and enhanced math-in-CTE are highlighted in the American Youth Policy Forum’s (AYPF) new publication, Success at Every Step: How 23 Programs Support Youth on the Path to College and Beyond, which profiles programs that have been proven to help young people complete high school and be prepared for success in postsecondary education and careers, based on the results of recent, high-quality evaluations. The findings of the report showcase a variety of programs that support college- and career-readiness, exploring implications for federal and state policy.

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Success at Every Step: How 23 Programs Support Youth on the Path to College and Beyond

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

This new American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) compendium publication describes programs that have been proven to help young people successfully complete high school and be prepared for success in postsecondary education and careers. These programs represent a wide range of interventions, including school-wide reform initiatives, community-based afterschool services, work-based learning opportunities, and college access programs. From an analysis of the included programs, the report identifies common programmatic and structural elements that may contribute to their effectiveness and summarizes key outcomes, such as the following:

 The publication also includes a logic model that illustrates the complexity of the process of preparing youth to succeed in careers, lifelong learning, and civic engagement, as well as the various systems and service providers that support youth at each step of the developmental pipeline.

Executive Summary

By admin in Publications, Research
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House Holds Dual Enrollment Hearing in Michigan

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

The House Education and Labor Committee recently held a field hearing in Flint, MI to look at the benefits of dual enrollment programs.  Witnesses included administrators from local high schools, universities, and community colleges, as well as a student participating in dual enrolment.  Rep. Dale Kildee (MI-05) reflected on the challenges that communities like Flint face during this economic downturn, and how access to higher education may help.  Dual enrollment is one strategy to make higher education more affordable and accessible for students; for example, students who participate in dual enrollment “typically graduate with between 30 and 60 college credits – tuition free. This translates to as much as 1 – 2 years of college education.”

Rep. Kildee also offered a very interesting statistic: gifted students make up 20 percent of high school drop outs.  The reason for this is that they are not challenged in their current high school programs.  Dual enrollment offers these students the challenge of taking college level courses.  This stat immediately made me think of CTE, which is another way to keep students challenged and for them see the relevancy of their high school work to the their futures.  As you can see in NASDCTEc’s latest leave behind, many dual enrollment programs are in CTE areas.

Rep. Kildee, along with Sen. Herb Kohl (WI), has introduced the Fast Track To College Act which would provide funding to expand existing successful dual enrollment and early college programs and provide resources to establish new programs nationwide.

By admin in Public Policy
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Dual Enrollment Advocacy Tool

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Postsecondary access is a major focus of the President’s education agenda – he has called on every American to commit at least one year of college or career training.  Dual enrollment is one way to give high school students a head start on their postsecondary goals.  It is important for lawmakers to see the connection between CTE and postsecondary access.

Check out our latest leave behind about dual enrollment and CTE that we will use to inform legislators and their staff on the Hill about the link between CTE and postsecondary success.  You can access a copy of it here.  This leave behind explains the different forms of dual enrollment, the benefits of dual enrollment, and gives a sampling of dual enrollment programs in the states.

Please feel free to use this document to inform policymakers and legislators in your state about the benefits of CTE!

By admin in Advance CTE Resources
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