Posts Tagged ‘State Plans’

ED Extends Comment Period for Perkins ICR | Legislative Update

Friday, October 11th, 2024

This week, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) announced that it would extend the deadline for one of the components of a recent regulatory proposal impacting the implementation of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins V) in response to a formal request made by Advance CTE and partners. Elsewhere, Congress has remained on recess ahead of the upcoming November elections while the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) makes preparations for National Apprenticeship Week and announces new grant opportunities.

ED Modifies Comment Deadline for Perkins V ICR

This morning, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) announced that it would extend the public comment period for a recently proposed Information Collection Request (ICR) with significant implications for the implementation of Perkins V. The two-week comment period extension will apply to feedback responses to proposed changes to Perkins V’s Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) while the existing deadline for comments related to the State Plan Guide component of this ICR remain unchanged and are still due November 12, 2024. This announcement comes in response to Advance CTE and the Association for Career and Technical Education’s (ACTE) formal request for an extension made in recent weeks. In addition, ED’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) hosted two town halls last week, providing further details regarding these proposed ICRs. Notably, ED confirmed during these events that every state and territory would be required to undergo a new comprehensive planning process required by Perkins V regardless of whether a state submits a new or amended state plan by program year 2026.

Congress Remains on Recess Amid Storm Damage

Capitol Hill remains in recess this week as the November elections draw closer. Over the last few weeks, severe storms have significantly impacted several states. Due to these circumstances, there has been increasing pressure for Congress to potentially reconvene, prior to the upcoming elections, to provide supplemental emergency funding for states impacted by these weather events. A bipartisan group of Senators recently sent a letter highlighting this need, and similar efforts are underway in the House. 

Despite this mounting pressure, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has thus far resisted calls to reconvene. The need to provide funding in response to these latest hurricanes is widely expected to impact future negotiations for long-term funding for federal programs, like Perkins V’s state grant program, for the current 2025 federal fiscal year (FY25). As a reminder, current funding—recently extended by a continuing resolution (CR) passed by Congress late last month—is set to expire on December 20, 2024. Advance CTE will continue to advocate for a robust investment in CTE via Perkins V as the FY25 process progresses.

Department of Labor Continued Federal Support for Apprenticeship Programs

This week, the Department of Labor shared details for the 10th annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), a week dedicated to celebrating 10 Years of Engagement, Expansion, and Innovation of impacting lives through apprenticeship programs. Spanning the week of November 17th through 23rd, the 2024 celebration features daily themes with ways to get involved listed on Labor’s NAW Fact Sheet. Advance CTE looks forward to celebrating Career Technical Education’s critical role and connection to apprenticeships later this fall.

DOL also shared a list of resources for outreach to businesses to support apprenticeship investment and implementation. A related list has links to federal, state, and industry-specific resources for outreach anywhere on the continuum of strategic partnership. The Department also conducted a series of Industry Focus Calls throughout the summer to support state grantees in expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) to meet employers’ needs. The 2024 calls shared best practices and successes for launching RAPs in education, the public sector, green energy, and mental and behavioral healthcare. The calls and resources dating back to 2019 can be accessed here.

Earlier this fall, the Biden-Harris administration issued an executive order related to Investing in America and Investing in American Workers that highlights the importance of prioritizing federally funded projects that prioritize workforce development efforts, including the availability of career pathways and RAPs.

Department of Labor Grants Available for Work-Based Learning for Underserved Youth

The Department of Labor announced a fifth round of Workforce Pathways for Youth grants, authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), available for out-of-school organizations that engage underserved youth ages 14 to 21. The grants are intended to help organizations introduce career-related services, work-based learning opportunities, and occupational skills training. Applications are open until December 3rd, 2024, and eligibility requirements are listed on the application page. Read more about Workforce Pathways for Youth, previous program recipients, and other resources here.

Rob Young, Communications & Advocacy Associate

Steve Voytek, Policy Advisor 

By Rob Young in Public Policy
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ED Proposes Significant Changes to Perkins V Implementation | Legislative Update

Friday, September 13th, 2024

This week, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) proposed significant changes to state Perkins V plans and related reporting requirements, which have significant implications for the law’s ongoing implementation. Elsewhere, Congress continues to grapple with the need to fund the federal government beyond an important upcoming deadline and more.

ED Proposes Changes to Perkins V State Plans and Reporting

This week, the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) published two new proposals that would significantly impact state and local implementation of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act (Perkins V). These new changes to Perkins V state plan requirements and related annual data collections seek to standardize the way in which states and local Perkins V recipients collect and report information related to CTE student performance. Separately, these proposals would increase the broader information gathered by ED via state Perkins V state plans. 

As noted in the related proposals, these changes will require every state and territory to submit new or substantially amended four-year Perkins V plans by 2026—an effort and wider process states and territories just completed this year. Comments on these proposals are due back to ED no later than November 12, 2024. Advance CTE is continuing to analyze these proposals and plans to formally provide feedback to the Department as part of this comment period.

Progress on Stopgap Funding Legislation Stalls

This week both chambers of Congress returned to Capitol Hill following its annual August recess period. As Advance CTE shared last week, Republican leaders had been intending to introduce legislation, known as a continuing resolution (CR), to temporarily extend current funding levels for all federal programs, including Perkins V’s basic state grant program, through the early part of 2025. This six-month funding extension is strongly opposed by the Biden administration and the Senate, who prefer a shorter-term CR lasting through mid-December—timing that would coincide with the lame-duck session of the current 118th Congress. 

Despite this opposition, House Republican leadership attempted to move forward with this six-month CR, which also contained controversial provisions related to upcoming elections. However, support for this proposal remained uncertain within the House Republican conference, with several GOP lawmakers indicating opposition to this approach. This opposition caused Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to pause further consideration of this CR, at least for the time being. With the start of the 2025 federal fiscal year (FY25) set to begin on October 1, it remains unclear how lawmakers plan to move forward with federal funding for the government beyond this date. As these efforts continue to take shape, Advance CTE will continue to advocate for a strengthened investment in state CTE systems made via Perkins V. 

Advance CTE Signs Onto Letter Endorsing Workforce Pell Grant Passage

This week, Advance CTE joined other national and state-based organizations in sending a letter to congressional leadership supporting expanding the federal Pell Grant program to include learners enrolled in high-quality, shorter-term CTE programs. Such legislation has been a longstanding federal policy priority for Advance CTE as a key strategy to provide more learners with quality postsecondary pathways that lead to careers in growing sectors of the economy. The letter also notes these efforts’ critical role in supporting ongoing federal investments in the nation’s infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, and green energy sectors. 

HELP Republicans Hold K-12 Education Roundtable

On Tuesday, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) hosted a roundtable to discuss ways to innovate within K-12 education systems to improve learner success. Sen. Cassidy, the ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, was joined by Senators Katie Britt (R-AL), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), and Joni Ernst (R-IA). Invited panelists discussed innovations in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, work-based learning, and micro-schools throughout their opening remarks and in response to the Senators’ questions.

Ruben Morris, the founder of Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School, spoke about the need for education to reflect local workforce needs built on public-private partnerships. When Sen. Cassidy asked about available funding through Alabama’s Perkins V investment, Ruben shared that he uses Perkins V funding to support further program growth. He also shared ways in which his community leverages this critical federal investment in CTE, including supporting the development of programming for learners that enables their entry into the aviation economy in the state. 

Biden Administration Announces Grants to Recruit Diverse Workforce

Last week, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) announced over $28 million in newly awarded funds through the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) program. This latest grant round aims to recruit, prepare, develop, and retain a diverse educator workforce nationwide. The TQP program funds teacher preparation programs in high-need communities for learners at colleges and universities and in teacher residency programs and aims to encourage more people to pursue careers in teaching through Grow Your Own programs. ED announced the list of award recipients alongside new data on Public Service Loan Forgiveness approvals in each state.

Rob Young, Communications & Advocacy Associate

Steve Voytek, Policy Advisor

By Rob Young in Uncategorized
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States Continue to Make Progress on ESSA Implementation

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Last week we provided an update on new federal regulations clarifying the implementation timeline and requirements for the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Of note was the decision to delay the submission deadline for state plans to afford state agencies more time to meaningfully engage and gather input from stakeholders. This has been a priority activity for many states over the past several months. As state agencies have worked to draft and finalize their ESSA plans, many have made use of surveys, focus groups and listening tours to gather feedback from students, parents, educators and other relevant stakeholders.

To date, draft ESSA state plans are available for public comment in 10 states (though several others have released draft components): Arizona, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Washington. At this point, several states have proposed strategies to leverage ESSA’s accountability requirements to encourage and expand quality career pathways through a College and Career Readiness indicator (CCR). California is a notable example, having adopted a such a system in September, though other states are considering this as well.

Based on feedback from stakeholders, Delaware proposed a “College and Career Preparation” indicator that includes the percent of students demonstrating postsecondary preparation through CTE pathway completion, dual enrollment, and other academic indicators such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and SAT exam scores. Additionally, Oklahoma’s state plan proposes using industry credential attainment, along with AP/IB, as one measure of student access to postsecondary opportunity. And in South Carolina, the Department of Education designed its ESSA plan around a 90 percent college and and career readiness goal for graduating students by 2030. As an interim measure of progress towards this goal, the plan proposes adopting a “Prepared for Success” indicator that measures high school students’ scores on WorkKeys assessments, participation in Youth Apprenticeships, completion of state-approved CTE pathways and industry credential attainment. This list is by no means exhaustive, but nonetheless provides a snapshot of how some states are approaching this opportunity.

Other states have found opportunities to prioritize career readiness strategies throughout the ESSA planning process. For example:TN ESSA

With ESSA state plans due to be submitted in 2017, many states have yet to formalize their strategies under the new K-12 education law. Advance CTE  will monitor state plans and proposals as they are released to share emerging strategies and opportunities to leverage the law to advance career readiness and CTE as ESSA continues to be implemented over the coming years.

Austin Estes, Policy Associate

By admin in Public Policy, Uncategorized
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