Posts Tagged ‘FFA’

Empowering Futures: Delaware Learners Thrive in Career Technical Education Programs

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, Career Technical Education (CTE) programs stand out as beacons of opportunity, providing learners with practical skills, real-world experiences, and a sense of belonging. Recently, Policy Associate Velie Sando had the privilege of speaking with three remarkable learners from Delaware who are blazing trails in their respective CTE programs. Their stories not only showcase the transformative power of CTE but also highlight the inclusive and supportive environments these programs can foster.

Finding Voice and Advocacy in Educators Rising

Leilani Carrera, a fourth-year learner and state president of the Educators Rising Career Technical Education Student Organization (CTSO), embodies the resilience and determination that CTE programs can instill. Despite facing homelessness twice during her high school career, Leilani found the courage to speak up about her challenges. “To belong, you kinda have to put yourself out there. You need to be at the table, and put a little bit of yourself on the table,” she reflects. 

Leilani’s experience underscores the importance of creating supportive environments in CTE programs. Her advisors and educators responded with empathy and practical support, arranging transportation, providing necessities, and ensuring she could participate fully in her program activities. “My advisors were super helpful with me. They made sure that I could get to school, they waited for me, they made sure that I had professional clothing so I could compete, and they arranged time slots for me after school so I could prepare,” she explains. This level of support not only helped Leilani overcome personal obstacles but also empowered her to become an advocate for other learners facing similar challenges.

Bridging Passions in Agriculture and Business

Jennae Overton’s journey through both the Natural Resources and Business CTE programs illustrates how CTE can cater to diverse interests and skills. Drawn to both National FFA (formerly known as Future Farmers of America) and Business Professionals of America (BPA) in middle school, Jennae found a way to pursue both passions in high school through her CTE programs. “Being able to translate learning into real-life situations is super helpful, which is why CTE is so important,” Jennae explains. Her experience highlights the hands-on nature of CTE programs, where classroom learning is immediately applied in practical settings. This approach not only enhances understanding but also makes learning more engaging and relevant.

Jennae’s story also touches on the importance of flexibility in CTE programs. While her CTE programs aligned with her interests and she learned from teachers who were experts in the field, Jennae shares that this is not an experience that all of her peers have. “It can be scary being in a pathway where everybody knows what they want to do and you don’t, so being able to rely on your teachers and for them to say ‘this doesn’t have to be for the rest of your life’ is really beneficial because that makes it feel more comfortable,” she shares. Jennae emphasizes the importance of clear communication about the flexibility of CTE programs, highlighting that learners need to understand how CTE can support various future career choices when deciding which program to pursue.

Breaking Barriers in Teacher Education

Helen Ramos, a first-generation Hispanic learner in the Redesign Teacher Academy and member of the Educators Rising CTSO, brings attention to the evolving landscape of representation in education. Her experience highlights the progress made in diversifying the teaching workforce while also pointing out areas for improvement. Helen notes that while her English proficiency sometimes led to assumptions about her understanding, she also became a valuable resource in helping English Language Learners (ELLs) in her program. “My friends would get papers that were translated and the teacher would tell us to help them and I would volunteer,” she shares. Helen’s journey underscores the need for CTE programs to be mindful of language barriers and cultural differences. 

Helen shared an insight about the name of her CTE program, “Teacher Academy,” highlighting that it may potentially limit participation to learners interested in pursuing teaching as a career when in fact the program equips learners with essential skills that are applicable to various professions beyond education. “People used to think that our program is just for future teachers but we would tell them that it’s also for people who want to build on learning to communicate”, she shares.  Helen raises an important point about marketing CTE programs and opportunities, emphasizing the need for clear communication about the broad applicability of skills learned in these programs.

The Unifying Power of CTE

While each learner’s story is unique, several common threads emerge that highlight the strengths of CTE programs:

  1. Supportive Environments: All three learners emphasized the crucial role of supportive teachers and advisors in their success.
  2. Hands-on Learning: The practical, applied nature of CTE programs was consistently cited as a major benefit, helping learners connect classroom concepts to real-world situations.
  3. Skill Development Beyond the Classroom: From public speaking to advocacy, learners gained valuable life skills that extend far beyond their chosen career paths.
  4. Inclusivity and Representation: While challenges remain, CTE programs are making strides in creating inclusive environments where learners from all backgrounds can thrive.


As these Delaware learners demonstrate, CTE programs are more than just career preparation – they are launchpads for personal growth, advocacy, and community building. By continuing to support and expand access to high-quality CTE programs, we can ensure that more learners have the opportunity to discover their passions, develop crucial skills, and build the confidence to succeed in any path they choose.

For more information about leveraging learner voice and designing a learner-centered CTE program, visit the following pages on the Advance CTE website:

Learn more about intensive technical assistance opportunities to get help developing learner-centered CTE programs by completing the Technical Assistance Interest and Request Form

Velie Sando, Policy Associate

By Layla Alagic in Public Policy
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This Week in CTE: National FFA Advancing CTE Without Limits

Friday, February 25th, 2022

While stakeholders across the Career Technical Education (CTE) continuum celebrate CTE Month®, Advance CTE will join in the celebration by uplifting Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) student leaders and their national advocacy weeks. 

These organizations are a powerful model for learner-centered and learner-led education, and Advance CTE is pleased to be joined by seven national CTSOs in supporting the national vision for CTE. Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of Career Technical Education (CTE Without Limits) places CTE as the catalyst for achieving a cohesive career preparation ecosystem that is responsive to each learner’s needs for college and career success. 

Throughout February, the This Week in CTE blog series will highlight the activities of several CTSOs and their alignment with the five interconnected principles of CTE Without Limits. Today, we highlight National FFA, who celebrated the 75th anniversary of National FFA Week February 19-26, 2022, with the social hashtag #FFAWeek. Each day of National FFA Week was supported by a student-led video that shared hands-on learning experiences, learner success stories, teacher appreciation and much more! 


Each learner engages in a cohesive, flexible and responsive career preparation ecosystem

Laura Beth from Texas FFA noticed a barrier to each learner reaching their full potential within their career journey. Her commitment to CTE Without Limits led to stakeholders’ awareness of the issues and a change in policy!

Each learner feels welcome in, is supported by and has the means to succeed in the career preparation ecosystem

On Alumni Day, National FFA invited alumni chapter members to participate in telling their FFA story. Alumni leveraged the National FFA Alumni and Supporter Toolkit which outlined activities such as, “Take a group picture of your chapter members wearing blue using #FFAWeek and #FFAAlumni.” 

Alumni stories are vital to recruiting and retaining CTE learners and their families. Recent research shared that more than 80 percent of current parents/guardians chose CTE leaders and alumni as a likely source of information when learning about CTE and its programs. Alumni help to ensure each learner feels welcomed in the career preparation ecosystem and can envision themselves being successful in a career of their choice. 

Each learner skillfully navigates their own career journey

FFA is known for their supervised agricultural experience (SAE) that each learner embarks upon when participating in the CTSO. On SAE Sunday, National FFA shared this video to aid chapter members, nationwide, in selecting their own SAE project. The tips shared by the student leader allows for other chapter members to make informed decisions when selecting their own SAE. 

The video from National FFA Week is also supported by this article, Tips for a Successful SAE.

Each learner’s skills are counted, valued, and portable

On Give FFA Day 2022, corporate donors from industry showed their value in the skills learners receive when participating in FFA. Donors participated in donation matching challenges throughout the day to support the CTSO and ultimately the learners served. 

Each learner can access CTE without borders

Virtual engagement opportunities are something we have all witnessed during the current pandemic. National FFA was no different in providing the same for their members this week. A connection room welcomed chapter members, near and far, to network and learn from each other. 

Future dates for National FFA Week are below:

Feb. 18-25, 2023
Feb. 17-24, 2024
Feb. 15-22, 2025

Visit Advance CTE’s vision page for communication and implementation tools for state and local CTE leaders to bring CTE Without Limits to life. 

If you would like to share how your CTE program or CTSO creates limitless opportunities for each learner in this blog series, please email Brittany Cannady, [email protected]

Brittany Cannady, Senior Associate for Digital Media


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This Week in CTE

Friday, December 4th, 2020

We have compiled a list of highlights in Career Technical Education (CTE) from this week to share with you.


A new scholarship opportunity for learners seeking college funding, a mentorship and have an interest in transportation has been announced. The purpose of The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)’s Diversity Scholars Program is to grow underrepresented populations’ participation in the transportation profession by supporting increased diversity at the undergraduate level. Diversity in the transportation industry is critical as practitioners seek to fully understand the transportation needs of communities and develop equitable mobility improvements to many areas of our society. 

This program is open to any U.S. high school student of Black; Native American, Alaskan, and Hawaiian; or Latinx heritage with an interest in a career in transportation and who is seeking to study transportation engineering, planning, or in a related-field at a school with an established ITE Student Chapter. 

For more information and to apply, click here. Applications are due March 15, 2021.


One Nevada school has been responsive to industry changes in their area and adopted a new manufacturing program tying in curriculum from Project Lead the Way and Intelitek. Palo Verde High School will have a four-year program teaching learner 3D modeling, applied physics, computer-integrated manufacturing and engineering design. 

Stephen Turbie, Engineering Instructor, says, “Automation is an essential part of any manufacturing business. Learning about automation and manufacturing provides good training for many future technical careers.”

Learn more about the addition of this manufacturing program in this article published by SmartBrief. 


Despite the challenges states have faced with offering work-based learning opportunities during the pandemic, students from King City High School’s (King City, California) agricultural pathway and members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) have worked diligently to utilize social media to overcome barriers and continue to have their work-based learning opportunities, Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), externships and virtual career fairs for the current school year.

Learn more in this article on how CTE teachers and students in California are working together despite the virtual learning challenges. King City High School FFA students are also ranked number one in the region and third in the state of California.


Following the retirement of House Appropriations Committee Chair Nita Lowey (D-NY), Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) was voted to be the new committee chair. DeLauro’s win came after her endorsement by the Democratic House Steering and Policy Committee earlier this week. Currently, DeLauro serves as the Chair of the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS-ED) Appropriations Subcommittee so she is well versed in Career Technical Education (CTE), education and workforce funding.

View more Legislative Updates from this week here


Recent calculations suggested that 32-42 percent of job losses that have resulted from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) may be permanent. CTE can reskill and upskill learners and prepare them for reentry into the workforce by offering industry-recognized credentials of value. 

Credential Currency: How States Can Identify and Promote Credentials of Value is a roadmap for how states can identify which credentials have labor market value, and recommended strategies and opportunities to advance learner attainment. This roadmap is informed by national, state and local CTE leaders from K-12 education, postsecondary education and industry. 

View Credential Currency: How States Can Identify and Promote Credentials of Value in our Learning that Works Resource Center.

Brittany Cannady, Digital Media Associate

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Legislative Update: FFA Before Congress, American Jobs Center

Friday, March 16th, 2012

FFA President Testifies before Congress

Yesterday, National FFA President Ryan Best testified before the Senate at a hearing on the 2012 Farm Bill. During his testimony, Best highlighted the successful projects being done by FFA students across the country. He also spoke about the importance of agriculture education and its role in preparing students for postsecondary education and careers in the agriculture industry. Best said that the Farm Bill should support farm programs that strengthen agriculture eduction.

Best is a junior at New Mexico State University majoring in agricultural and extension education.

American Jobs Center

In his State of the Union address in January, President Obama spoke about streamlining the workforce system in order to get people back to work more quickly in the jobs that exist today, and better prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.  He said that he wants “to cut through the maze of confusing training programs, so that from now on, people…have one program, one website, and one place to go for all the information and help they need.”

To that end, the President is proposing the creation of the American Job Center, designed to be a single point of access to information and services from across the government for companies and individuals. This would include access to job retraining and education opportunities, skills and career development and counseling.


Nancy Conneely, Public Policy Manager

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Friends of CTE Guest Blog Series: Partnerships Between CTE and CTSOs Have a Meaningful Impact

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

February is National Career Technical Education (CTE) Month. In celebration of that, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education consortium (NASDCTEc) talked with adult and student leaders at the National FFA Organization[1] about the impact of CTE. FFA is one of eleven Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) recognized by the United States Department of Education. Students enrolled in CTE courses can participate in a CTSO as a way to gain more real work experience in a particular field.

We asked both adult and student leaders at the National FFA Organization to tell us about the impact that CTE has had on their lives. All highlighted the important partnership between CTE and CTSOs.

Dr. Dwight Armstrong, Chief Operating Officer of the National FFA Organization, said his life was changed the day he signed up for an agriculture class and joined FFA. “My agriculture teacher served as the advisor for our FFA chapter, and under his caring hand and watchful eye I began to grow in ways I could never have imagined,” Armstrong said.

While Armstrong’s CTE courses gave him the knowledge he needed, his involvement in a CTSO provided opportunities to become part of a team, express himself as a leader, and develop self-confidence. “There is no doubt that I owe the success I’ve enjoyed in my career to the training, opportunities and life skills acquired by being part of a CTSO,” Armstrong said.

Ryan Best, 21, was elected to serve as National FFA President this past October. Best’s experiences mirror those Armstrong described. Best said that being in a CTSO enhanced his experience in CTE, not only by providing real-world career experiences, but also by helping him to develop his soft skills. “I thrived in the agriculture education courses I took in high school, but my experiences in FFA taught me about service and gave me a sense of right and wrong while also helping me develop premier leadership skills, experience personal growth and strive for career success,” Best said.

Rob Cooper, Executive Director of the National FFA Foundation, said businesses tell him that the partnership between CTE coursework and involvement in FFA results in young people who are more prepared for their careers. Cooper said, “During my visits with those who support FFA, one resounding thing I hear is how amazed employers are by their employees who were once FFA members. Through CTE coursework and involvement in FFA, our members are developing the skills that are coveted in today’s workforce.”

Everyone we spoke with at FFA was clear about the important role that CTSOs play. Armstrong said, “Because I realize how important organizations such as FFA can be—and just how much students need them—I’ve devoted the remainder of my career to extending these opportunities to every school system in the nation. Today’s students are our future, and CTE and CTSOs are developing leaders who will build healthy local communities, a strong nation and a sustainable world.”


The Friends of CTE Guest Blog Series provides advocates – from business and industry, researchers and organizations – an opportunity to articulate their support for Career Technical Education. The monthly series features a guest blogger who provides their perspective on and experience with CTE as it relates to policy, the economy and education.

The FFA blog entry is one of two that are being featured this month on the Friends of CTE Blog Series. In celebration of February’s National CTE Month, NASDCTEc is also including a blog entry from Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) in which he discusses the Education for Tomorrow’s Jobs Act and the need to fully fund and support CTE.

Are you interested in being a guest blogger and expressing your support for CTE? Contact Melinda Findley Lloyd, Communications Consultant, at [email protected].


[1] The National FFA Organization’s mission is to make a “positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.” Today there are 540,379 FFA members, aged 12‒21, in 7,489 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Learn more at

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